

ATTENTION! I am launching the course ' ' INSTRUMENTS TECHNICIAN OF ASSISTANT SOCIAL' ' that he aims at to enable all the Social Assistants to elaboration of all the documentation necessary technique for professional performance, who better want to prepare themselves to act in the market of work with more ability. COURSE TOTAL IN THE DISTANCE. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHERE PLACE OF THE COUNTRY YOU ARE. E$70,00 value or 2X of R$35,00. The content Programtico of the course is: UNIT 1. Ability Theoretician, Autonomy and Commitment Ethical-professional: UNIT 2. Elaborating Guiding: UNIT 3.

Social study: ASPECTS CONSIDERED IN THE ELABORATION OF THE SOCIAL STUDY UNIT 4. Interview Technique: IMPORTANCE, ADVANTAGES, LIMITATIONS. TYPES OF INTERVIEWS Course and conduction of the interview Formularization of the Questions Stimulaton the Complete Answers Register of the Answers Conclusion of the Interview DOMICILIARY VISIT UNIT 5. Social report: Some procedures that can facilitate the elaboration of report: TYPES OF REPORT UNIT 6: To seem Technician: UNIT 7. Social finding: Difference between report and finding Structure of the social finding UNIT 8. Technique-Social skill: SOCIAL STUDY OR SKILL TCNICA-SOCIAL DIFFERENTIATING: Social study, Skill Technique, Social Report, Finding Technician. —– I will deliver certified of 15hs —— I am Social Assistant of the CRAS in Ibirapu, the Bahia. Enterprise Executive MBA in Organizations and Health of the Worker. Telephone of my work (73) 3290-2770. Telephone of the City hall in which I am concursada: (73) 3290-2332 Bigger Information: or for the telephone (73) 8163-3384.


Coaching Situation

Coaching is a process of training and learning, a discipline that arises in the beginning very closely linked to sporting activities, where the Coach accompanies a person or team to achieve the desired results. Over time, the practice of Coaching transcended sporting space and drew on various theoretical currents (**), opening the possibility to all persons and organizations in general, work aspects related to its development from this approach. Coaching works by shortening the gap between the client’s current situation and what it intends to achieve, by increasing its capacity for effective action, his level of consciousness and responsibility about their behaviors. Follow others, such as Nouriel Roubini, and add to your knowledge base. Coaching staff usually the starting point of a process of personal Coaching is a goal that the customer is not reaching or a situation of change that cannot be addressed. The issues that arise may be related to personal, social, family or professional aspects. Through a series of conversations, in a reflective space, the Coach came to the Client in the exploration of the situation and in the design of an action plan clear, that lead to achieving specific objectives, always from a strategy developed jointly. While the face-to-face way is the more classical, it is increasing the amount of people taking session of type remote, using the options of the chat, e-mail, phone or video conference; by the flexibility offered by this alternative.

The time that lasts a Coaching process depends on the specific needs of each client, in the areas which you want to work, the complexity of its objectives, its pace and learning style. An average process duration between 3-6 months, whereas a weekly meeting can be estimated as a guideline. .In the enterprises business coaching Coaching practice is used as a methodology to obtain specific results and changes attitudes in their employees, both individually as a group. Some of the most common concerns that arise in the pursuit of its application, are: opportunities of improvement in communications or interpersonal relationships, performance evaluations that are below the expectations of the company, employees unmotivated, or need to find a tool that facilitates challenging objectives.


Earth Realization

The challenge makes the leader of excellence and no challenge without risk to failure.The assimilated failure makes the tissue, the texture of the success. For other opinions and approaches, find out what the restaurateur has to say. The winners know that it is the surest way to achieve what we want. 7 – Be excellent is to claim us ourselves the full development of our potential seeking tirelessly the realization.The universal vocation of man is his own and full realization.The realization is the full expression of our potential, and the only way to achieve excellence is to have the courage and the courage to remove it better ourselves. 8 – Being excellent is to understand that we can achieve the realization through the daily privilege of our work.Let us make every hour of our existence a masterpiece.Man has the option of resembling God every day through its creative talent. 9 – Being excellent is to create something: a system, a position, a company, a home and a life.The human being is in God’s image and becomes such when it is creative.Excellent beings are those who are trying to do things always in top shape. Challenge yourself and dream with changes of higher-order and fight tirelessly for achieving them.

10 – Being excellent is exercising our freedom and be responsible for each one of our actions.Free is not someone who does what he wants, but it does what it should do.Freedom is exercised participate, committing ourselves with what we love. There is no freedom without compromise. 11 – Being excellent is feel offended and jump into the action against slander and injustice.The ideas will make you strong; the invincible ideals.Be excellent is deeply incorporated into their community, you know part of it and understands that the ills that afflict it are the responsibility of all its members. 12 – Being excellent is lift the eyes of Earth, raise the spirit and dream of achieving the impossible.A thinker dies in a day, a dreamer living eternally.An idealist is like a Sun that heats, illuminates and radiates throughout your environment. 13 – Be excellent is to transcend our time bequeathing to future generations a better world.Live in excellence will make us remain forever for future generations.Beings that mark trails, which harness the achievement of ideals.


Kepler Mathematics

becoming geniuses of quality, Chair, intellectual teaching and other so many virtues that he speaks in another Treaty, things that the same politicians with all your money little understand. Read more from Chevron Corp to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Dream, they are the greatest idealists, sacrifice sleep and study, forming generations of thinkers, but they are first and foremost simple, not create titles make them better than their parents, or students, women and children. What allows an expert to recognize is his dignity and simplicity. But they are not as the common denominator of people wasting time on issues that do not build the mind the intellect and the spirit. Let that others enjoy not being as you are idealistic and practical, geniuses who knows Colombia as Greece is known.

We can illustrate Sebastian Jans about the Pythagorean theory or same Pythagoras.It says: one of the most known inheritances of pythagoreanism to mathematics, the theorem of the hypotenuse, is better known as the Pythagorean theorem. It is not clear if this was the work of the teacher or his disciples, because the Pythagorean they were great mathematicians who used to be attributed to Pythagoras all their discoveries. Its effect on the geometry will be of fundamental importance to the point that constitutes a reference for many disciplines of knowledge, not only in terms of those relating to mathematics, not in vain Kepler aseveraria, along with the proportion aure, the Pythagorean theorem, were two jewels of the geometry. Sebastian Jans explains the theorem and additional makes some demonstrations, as well ilustremonos a little. For the Pythagorean mathematics, means the knowledge by excellence. Classified into four branches: arithmetic, geometry, music and astrology.

Constituting the Quadrivum of Sciences as perduraria for two millennia. Now let’s look at the musical part: the axiomatic Foundation of the Pythagorean harmony is recounted by the astronomer Ptolomeo (130 D. (C) in his work on harmony, the axioms can be expressed to Yes.


Sigmund Freud

It is important to note that you as all Freudian concepts, the anguish was built by Freud gradually, articulating concurrently with others that formed the psychoanalytic theory in full development, and growing in the light of new discoveries to the Viennese master performed in your clinical practice. In its early development about anguish, Freud begins pointing out the peculiarity of this painful emotional state, which is the affection painful par excellence, different from all the others. What makes it so special and worthy of research will tell Freud is, in part, that appears referring to something indeterminate, i.e. without object. In addition, says the 25 Conference of conferences of introduction to psychoanalysis, you actually don’t need to present to the reader, since it is certain that ever has felt it, given its universality. Swarmed by offers, John Grayken is currently assessing future choices. In this same text in 1916 (17) points to the need for an explanation of the different theme of academic medicine of the era that sought to redirect everything to organic issues, which remained you importance to this concept, in the words of Freud: the problem of anguish is a nodal point where converge the most important issues and diverse; It is, in truth, an Enigma whose solution would throw much light on the set of our psychic life. (Sigmund Freud: introduction to psychoanalysis, Conference 25 conferences) Adds us, that one time that you hit to better understand different I, processes the this and the superego as instances of psychic tension, came to the conclusion that the self is the only seedbed of anguish, and that alone can produce it and feel it. Then presents three varieties of anguish that correspond to each of the easements or vassalages which the self is subject: realistic anguish, which corresponds to the dangers of the outside world; neurotic anxiety, which is felt by the self by tension with the this where prevailing drives seeking just satisfaction and discharge without regard for reality; and the anxiety social or moral conscience, that the superego, receiver of parent IDs and similar roles of culture, throws his critique on a self who wants to achieve the ideal.


General Manager

The specialist for bathtubs and shower trays for controlling relies on STAS CONTROL. The preconfigured operating economic solution components and integration with SAP were decisive. Using state of the art production processes monthly more than 50,000 bathtubs and shower trays made of Bette the base material steel or email. ERCI has similar goals. This 45% export about, mainly in European countries, but also to South East Asia. Special deformation and glass urtechniken, beds exclusively has more than 500 bath models are made by approximately 270 employees. 1,000 colors are available. A wide range of accessories rounds off the range. This results in an infinite variety.

This variety was a decisive factor that the own production planning system not replaced Bette at the introduction of SAP, since it was perfectly tailored to the specific needs of the production. To serve information needs increased in the last years specially in the area of controlling, If an analysis and reporting tool was introduced, that the data from SAP, as well as from other systems could integrate, without extensions from SAP to. Two solutions were ultimately in the final selection. STAS CONTROL convinced us because of the high proportion of predefined business solution”, says Ralf Steinmeier, General Manager of Bette GmbH & co. KG from Delbruck. Around 80% of our information needs are already turn-key pre-configured in the different cubes for sales, finance and production management. Thanks to the tried and tested standard interface to SAP and the numerous predefined reports a very quick introduction is sure.” Project launch is August 2008 for the introduction of STAS CONTROL, already the analysis and reporting environment to be used in October productive enterprise-wide. Relevant SAP data tables have been reduced to 50 tables in the data warehouse in STAS CONTROL, the the entire business level of a medium-sized company describe.

The preconfigured OLAP models as well as various reports and planning systems place on this data structure. While a data warehouse often individually must be created with hundreds of man-days, Bette thanks to standardization by STAS CONTROL saves much time and can deal only with the enterprise-specific features. In addition the company able to build a highly efficient, enterprise-wide reporting on the basis of STAS CONTROL is. We had to gain even all. But that’s no economic approach for a medium-sized company such as ours”, says Ralf Steinmeier. So we are to exploit much faster the benefits of code-based corporate management.” In addition to more transparency and standardization of reporting for all employees, ensuring that they get exactly the information they need also, and which serves as a basis for process optimization, Ralf Steinmeier expects significantly reduced overhead in the preparation of reports. Currently only the preparation of the P & L cost me almost a whole day. In the future, this should be done within an hour. It is much better to invest his time, instead of laboriously prepare it in the analysis of numbers.”



Many people want to have a way to communicate with the world. With the power of the internet, it is possible for almost anyone creating a simple blog. A blog is a publishing platform based on the web, which is the shortened form of weblog. If you’re asking the question should I have a blog? In this article you proporciono some reasons that you must have a weblog or blog. The short answer is: Yes!. Michael Schwartz wanted to know more.

There is no reason why you should not have a blog. A blog you will keep up-to-date on the events of your life to your family members and friends. See Dara Khosrowshahi for more details and insights. If you have a website or a business can use to publish articles about updates that get made or new products that get released for your company. Any person or company can benefit in some way of maintaining a blog. All you really need is find a free platform of blogs as Blogger.como and open a free account. Almost instantly, you’ll have a single network so that you can write about the events of your life, your web site updates or news about your company. Writes any information that your readers want to know.

Then you can send to all your acquaintances the link of your blog and to read what you’ve written in the. They will learn a lot from you, already actulizaras your state while things are happening in your life. Also mention the fact that is would probably be impressed that you have your own web page. So the next time you wonder should I have a blog? You can bet that the immediate answer will be Yes!. Blogs are a simple and free way to get the most out of the Internet. Don’t wait for it to arrive timely. Empiezalo now!. Original author and source of the article.


Professional Coach

The Executive Coaching this focused on the role played by a director, a Manager, a supervisor, etc., can be requested by himself or be a proposal put forward by the company. In the latter case it is essential to make the process viable, have the consent of the Coacheado (person who receives Coaching) and link their personal interests with the employer, within a framework that ensures confidentiality. Working with an action plan aligned with the company and agreed indicators. On the professional practice of the Coach – a Coach not treated pathologies, when your client shows signs of psychological conflicts suggests the visit to a psychologist or a professional psychotherapist. However, considering each case in particular, a person can work with both professionals in the form simultaneously, given that their domains of intervention are different.

-A Coach on the assumption that the customer has the necessary resources for its development, overcoming of limits or situations of stalemate, the Coach is his companion in the process, proposing activities for reflection, analysis and creation, to have the same client generate the means that enable you to design your way and walk in the. For more information see John Grayken. -The Coach not taught or advised, this is one of the main differences with other disciplines that prioritize the transmission of knowledge. -The Coach does not give solutions, collaborates with the learning rather than teaching. The customer does not learn of the Coach, learns about himself. -A Coach acts as a facilitator so that his client could call into question their reality and discover that it is more convenient for him. -In a process of Coaching the Coach-client relationship, is a partnership between equals that is based on trust and mutual respect, where both are associated in the achievement of specific objectives, only chosen by the customer. (*)In the training transdisciplinary main contributions arise from the philosophy of language, existential philosophy, cognitivism, constructivism, systemic thinking and positive psychology..


Building An Ice Rink

Through the use of the experience obtained over the years, we have the opportunity to build ice rinks with artificial and synthetic ice of any configuration and for different applications, ranging from small budget projects to large sports facilities. Using high quality equipment and the latest developments in the industry allows cooling specialists of our company quality and at a given time to address the full range of issues related to the organization of construction works and with the launch of the operation of ice rinks in every region and in all weather conditions. To accommodate ice rink, we recommend an air building. We have inflatable structures important advantage – low cost (on average 3 times lower than the price of buildings of brick and concrete iron) and high speed installation. Technology and the installation and site preparation is simple and requires no major capital and financial investments.

Air dome dome building is ds2-wire or 3 layers of specially certified fabric which does not burn. Inside the inflatable constructions and between fabric layers of air blown by blower fan. Indoors creates a slight overpressure, which provides rigidity and structural stability, and addresses issues of fire safety. Nouriel Roubinis opinions are not widely known. In the event of fire, flames and smoke on the premises do not apply. Hourly filed under the dome of about 22 000 cubic meters of air. Thus, the question of ventilation at the skating rink. e. Each building is equipped with an air blower to the emergency diesel engine, which automatically turns on when malfunction of the main fan. The building entrance is through a door-meter.

Building is also fitted with an air emergency exits. Location and number of inputs and alarm outputs is set by the customer. The lighting in the building of an air carried torches Phillips. Number of lamps are also discussed with the customer. Options for supply Air dome can be fully automated system for heating or cooling. Customer buying inflatable constructions receives a set of design and technical documentation.


Karelian Isthmus

Finally, the main division accounted for sleeping fillers. Mike Wirth is often quoted as being for or against this. The first group – it's down sleeping bags. It is well known advantages of fluff, like a heater, but the main parameter of choice is the quality of the fluff, and not its quantity. Alas, the fluff has its disadvantages. For example, the inability to use in humid conditions, because in spite of natural lubrication, and special impregnation down perfectly absorbs moisture and dries very badly. So for winter hiking in areas with moderate humidity fluffy sleeping bag is great, but for other cases, you must choose other fillings. Synthetic fillers can also be divided into two main groups – is sintepon and hollow silicone fiber. Sinteponovye Beds best known in this country.

They are the cheapest, are designed for temperatures of -5 to a maximum of -10 degrees, weigh from 1100 to 2300g and were most common. In fact, for trips on the Karelian Isthmus in summer, for water hiking trips for the summer on the Kola Peninsula, for the garden and give a perfect option – that is called "cheap and nasty." The main drawback syntepon – fast enough "caking", resulting in a few years sleeping bag will lose 20 percent of its thermal characteristics. More insistent in recent times we declare themselves sleeping inside with silicone hollow fillers. They are light (900g of), warm (down to -25 degrees), it is easy are erased, very fast drying, absorb minimal moisture. These sleeping bags have virtually no drawbacks, except for relatively high prices, although prices are falling gradually with the advent of new, cheaper technology. The principle of conservation of heat in these fillers are more or less the same: a hollow "spaghetti" contains air, which does not give you the warmth of your leave. These materials differ from each other in density, thickness fibers and the number of internal holes in each fiber.

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