
Real Estate And Business In The Czech Republic

Nice to have a second home somewhere in the middle of Europe! First, real estate abroad – is a solid and safe investment, and secondly, it is prestigious, and thirdly, it allows you to travel abroad freely, because generally buying property abroad, say in the Czech Republic, carried out in the country registered your company. Having bought the firm in an apartment or house, you decide all questions of existence of the company, paying taxes, etc. And being owner of a Czech company, you may get permission to stay in the country of the European Union. Selling real estate in the Czech Republic is engaged in many real estate agents, who will offer you everything: an apartment in Prague house in its outskirts, giving the Czech resort or ski center in the national park, as well as ready-made business – hotel, restaurant, pub, business services, business center, etc. You can just invest surplus funds in land intended for construction. Their prices are in attractive locations is growing rapidly year by year. Will help to orient in such a wide offer of Czech real estate broker solid, the services which should not refuse: a foreign country – unfamiliar laws, language, its own characteristics.

Such a reliable mediator in resolving your issues related to immigration in the Czech Republic, buying property on the objective and the price per its growth, may be a Czech investment company KORAL LTD sro She is building their own housing in the Czech Republic, but also has strong business ties with the Czech real estate agencies, well-versed in the prices of apartments and houses, business facilities and land plots. In addition, the company will help you get a mortgage to buy property in the Czech Republic by 4-5% per annum. The whole transaction of buying real estate in the Czech Republic will be under the control of a solid Czech law firm. On your every question will be given an exhaustive answer to the same you will advise on how best to proceed: the company's employees are well aware of the specifics of the Russian client. This will help you avoid the risk of an unsuccessful shopping real estate abroad, the transaction will take place in strict accordance with Czech legislation. In addition, you will help to obtain a residence permit in the Czech Republic, a member country of the European Union.


World Automotive Reverses

Traditional, held in January 2009, the Detroit Auto Show – NAIAS (North American International Auto Show) showed that energy-saving and environmental technologies in the automotive industry come to the fore. Hopes of oil producing countries (including including Russia) to the increasing trends in oil prices may well remain a distant dream, at least, the historical maximum in the summer of 2008 $ 147 per barrel, hardly will now be made. In the world automobile soon become "." Probably, the most advanced positions in the new branch will occupy the Chinese automakers. At the auto show detroyskom Chinese electric car brand presented model BYD E6, they plan to put in a series since mid 2009goda. Dimensions of novelty, are as follows: length – 4.554 m and the width and height – 1.822 and 1.630 m, respectively. Under the hood, five-seat crossover mounted electric motor power of 268 horsepower, allowing BYD E6 accelerate to 'hundreds' of eight seconds. Maximum speed – 160 kilometers per hour.

Cruising range is about E6 400 kilometers. Completely from the usual outlets batteries charged per hour (80% Charging is achieved in a quarter of an hour). BYD representatives also point out that all the chemical components used in batteries can be recycled. Estimated cost no more than $ 16 600. For the development of production electric cars come from virtually every country, is a pioneer in the automotive industry.

Six months before the release of the series has remained an American sedan and elektrosportkaru Chryler 200C Dodge Circuit EV, equipped with 200 – kilowatt electric motor, overclocking the its up to 100km / h in just 5 seconds and allow to reach 200km/chas. Recharging Dodge, as well as Chinese E6, from the usual outlets. The maximum cruising range is 320km. The BMW Group introduced the electric MINI E, and Japanese Toyota introduced the Prius hybrid with a 134 – strong unit, consisting from 1.8 petrol engine and electric motor. The new model is spending 100 km 4.7litrov gasoline. Leading companies worldwide automotive industry have decided to emerge from the crisis with the help of electric vehicles, all companies are keen to launch electric vehicles in the series in 2009. The new models not only save on traditional fuels, but can achieve savings of structural steel, as Each model in the third consists of plastics. It seems to commodity-dependent countries in the world market (oil and metallopostavlyayuschih) come to really hard times. Yuri Chashin


Unfair Competition

The law Prohibits unfair competition related to acquiring and using exclusive rights to the means of individualization of a legal entity, differentiation of products, works or services (Article 10 of the Act). Russian legislation on unfair competition reproduces art. 1910 Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, to which is Russia. We give an example of judicial practices related to the fight against unfair competition. In late 1992, Moscow’s Bridal Shop has sold 20 thousand Chinese-made jeans with trademarks and other attributes of jeans known American firm Lsvi Ostrich. In television commercials but was informed that the jeans are sold the last production model of this company. Claims consumers to shop Bridal District Court in Moscow in early 1993 decided to terminate the contract sales, damages and compensation for moral damage caused by the sale of counterfeit goods.

The amount charged by the store in favor of every purchaser, entered the cost of these jeans in a Catch Strauss calculated parameters Dollars and compensation for moral damages. Article 1222 Civil Code provides a special rule of law to be applied in this area. It reads: To the obligations arising from unfair competition, apply the right country, the market is affected by such competition, unless otherwise provided by law or the obligation. The cis countries have cooperated in identifying and curbing abusive competition of economic entities (Article 2 of the Agreement on the Harmonization of antitrust policy on March 12, 1993). Increased use of the Internet has led to some serious problems. One of them – match domain Names used on the Internet to refer to the server, ie computer, providing the resources (information, files, disks, etc.) to other users for sharing in the network. Domain names – a system individualization of the virtual online world that exists like a parallel system of individualization of the real world, ie system, brand names and trademarks. There was a conflict situation. In our literature (AM ) was such an example: there is a page. Suffix – this is a standard notation for the St. Petersburg region.

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