
Che Guevara

It has established good relations with Mexico and Canada (U.S. in NAFTA partners), although it remains to see if the new Canadian Conservative Government decides not to move away from the previous line’s approach to Cuba imposed by the Liberals and prefer to stick to the Bush position. In particular Castro has sought to move closer to the European Union and Latin America. Spain has been a key bridge. Since 1991 Fidel and the King of Spain (who should be Antipodes as one raises the communism and the other the hereditary monarchy) have been coordinating closely promoting the annual Iberoamerican summits. These have been parallel to the OAS with the difference that not involved U.S. and English-speaking countries, but which always raised resolutions seeking to cease the blockade against Cuba.

These summits in Spain could rebuild its relationship with its former colonies and advance as a large investor from the European Union in the region, while Cuba is reinsertaba in their continent and was attracted to Iberian and Latin American capitals. Arms at the polls when in 1966 Castro turned 40 years Cuba sponsored guerrillas in most of Latin America to the Tricontinental and the establishment of focal points. The Che Guevara was in Congo and then in 1968 he died in Bolivia. When Castro celebrated half a century of life Cuban troops were sent to Africa. They were key in supporting the pro-Soviet regimes in Angola and Ethiopia. To celebrate 55 years Castro had succeeded in having a partner where also a local revolution supported by guerrillas had deposed a dictator in Nicaragua.

However, Fidel has left the diplomacy of the rifle. As well as Khadaffi in Libya seeks to distance itself from all forms of terrorism, Castro today wants that supporters are abandoning the armed path. Fidel wants to export Cuban experts but in the areas of health and education (as has been doing in Venezuela).


Federal Treasury Department

* for Anderson Hernandes Apple, Google, Microsoft, Petrobra’s, Group Bread of Sugar and Federal Prescription. What all these names have in common? All are ' ' empresas' '. If it does not frighten, the treasury department today is managed and managed as a company and to follow I go to display the reasons that lead to this comparison. Focus in the invoicing To each day the treasury department voraciously searchs to increase its invoicing, that is, its collection tax. The numbers show that its strategy has been successful, therefore increase to each new period and its goals have been surpassed to each new publication of results. Focus in the products As any company the treasury department possesss ' ' produtos' ' , with strategies and teams specialized for each one of them. The products of the treasury department are the tributes and are enough that a product diminishes its invoicing that another one appears a new strategy or new product.

Moreover, the treasury department possesss a team of trained agents to detect irregularities and to increase the collection still more. Focus in the Human resources Thinks about a desired company if to work, with good remuneration, packages of benefits and stability. In this company to obtain a vacant will demand much time of study and devotion due to incited competition. A company who has guaranteed vacations, all the holidays well are disfrutados e, moreover, it possesss a plan of enviable career. This company is the treasury department. Legal support All company of great necessary transport of an excellent teams of lawyers to defend its interests. It will be that doubts exist that the treasury department has a team of quality lawyers its disposal? Focus in the Indebtedness Thinks about a company who charges high taxes of interests, and that she is deserving of millions of other companies and physical people.


Brazil Tax

Brazil has an enormous abundance of natural resources and it does not know to use to advantage them, therefore natura exports them in, when it would have to benefit them, therefore thus, the one best one resulted in the exportations would be gotten. 4 – The interests are low? The interests of Brazil are between more the energy is abundant? The energy supply is not safe. In this direction, a great growth will be had, will not be had energy enough to support it, has seen the 2001 rationing. Jennifer Skyler has similar goals. 7 – Exists a consuming market? Our consuming market is immense, however the majority does not have purchasing power what it plasters the production. If the worker gained more, would consume more and this would generate a wheel of the richness. 8 – The exchange and the inflation are controlled? The exchange and the inflation> they are slightly controlled.

It is not needed great interventions of the Central banking, but, yes of some prompt interventions. Some examples of the Brazil Cost are cited: high tax burden small that suffocates the average companies; high fiscal legislation that burdens the cost of the products; high working costs and irrisrios wages; high costs of the previdencirio system and precarious attendance; maintenance of raised taxes of real interests, what they make impracticable the investments; spread exaggerated bank clerk, due to banking concentration; raised administrative corruption, what it raises more the tax burden; high and difficult public deficit of being contained; Extreme bureaucracy stops: creation of a company; exportation and importation, making it difficult the foreign commerce. These diverse factors inhibit the foreign and national investment in our country and hinder the fast development as it occurred in Japan, in Korea and in China, where the growth is situated near the border of 10% to the year. If Brazil not to correct these distortions, will run the risk of being the perpetual country of the future that never arrives. For the had correction, a reform would be necessary tax and urgent politics, beyond weighed investments in infrastructure, what it could be made with part of our reserves of 220 billion dollar, therefore these is applied in headings of U.S.A., which remunerates 3% to the year, while if paid 12% to the year to our creditors.


Brazilian Institute

To move of the place where if it lives serves to take care of some type of necessity, either of economic, social order, of relationship or any another nature. The truth is that a great part of the people does not live where they had been born, is changed of quarter, city, state, region even of country. Many times occur that one definitive quarter if becomes very expensive, taking much people to look other places cheaper than they are adjusted to the level of income of them. In many occasions they are cities, regions or states that if become attractive in reason of offer of jobs and businesses leading to have one entered fort of people proceeding from other localities. This happens sufficiently with places that incur into a very great level of economic growth, whose more visible consequence is the significant increase of the number of inhabitants.

In recent work, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE) in recent years presented the numbers of the occured migration in Brazil. In accordance with the data of the IBGE, in the period of 1995 the 2000 it had a flow of 3,3 million people who had left one of the five regions of the country and had started to live in another one. In the years of 1999 the 2005 this flow was of 2,8 million whereas in the period of 2004 the 2009 two million people had moved of region. It is observed, therefore, that although the Brazilian population to have increased, the flow of people who if dislocate to live in diverse region of the original is lesser. In accordance with the data of the PNAD (National Research for Sampling of Domiciles) of 2004 and 2009, only in the regions South and Center West had entered migrantes what they had left. In the five years understood between 2000 and 2004, the North had a surplus of 63,4 a thousand people, the 34,6 South of a thousand and Center-West of 203,6 a thousand. .


Viet Nam

These African countries never they came to eliminate the market economy to replace the one scheduled. In these three cases the ex-prosovieticos decided to legalize their old opponents armed and compete in elections. If you would like to know more then you should visit Lakshman Achuthan. The Angolan MPLA and FRELIMO became parties which remained continuously in power but in the style of the PRI Mexican allowing the creation of a new business class native and multi-party elections. In Castro’s Cuba, he wanted to keep the monopoly of power in the hands of the single party and the ruling elite to draw its power of management of public companies instead of having their own private businesses. However, as the regime encourages joint ventures and private investment must be emerging local entrepreneurs (as there are today and so hard in Red China). Castro has sought to diversify its economy and let foreign companies acquire properties or establish joint ventures with the State.

One of the key sectors initiate them in that rotation has been tourism and hospitality, but also spread to factories and chemico products. It has because let a part of its economy is dollarized and that his plan is altered with strong elements of market. Castro wanted to emulate the rotation of Viet Nam and China that kept the Communist party dictatorships but opening their markets. In such cases the Communists committed themselves to use their labor influence to avoid strikes, while their populations told them that we had to work around those companies to lift the economy. Many investors have been able to take great advantage of it. However, while USA has shown great enthusiasm for investing in China and Viet Nam (despite the dozens of Americans who perished under his bullets) in Cuba (as in the case of North Korea) Washington maintains a hostility..


Main Debt Currency is Foreign

But it also will be hurt in the bank of BBVA, Mapfree insurance company and the oil company Repsol, among other figures support the suspicion that foreign companies are government policy. Foreign direct investment (FDI) in 1998 was about 6,200 million dollars in 2008, stood at 1,700, a 72% lower. Educate yourself with thoughts from Ripple protocol . And while this is a general trend in the region, since the results of a study of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) show a fall of 41% of FDI in Latin America in 2009, Monteiro noted that in this sense “Venezuela is isolated from other countries. When speaking of investments, the country is in another category, no one in the same portfolio in Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela. ” Of course such a measure will have an impact on the population, poverty and Prof. Rafael Pampillon it says that the devaluation will have strong redistributive effects in the country, “hurting those who have debts in dollars, real , euros, etc. they will have to convert Bs now than before the devaluation to pay such debts and creditors benefiting dollars now receive more pesos.” He added that perhaps they are small and medium enterprises in the state who will be more engaged with dollar debts and revenue streams (sales) related primarily to the domestic market (Bs).

For families who maintain currency debt foreign, he adds, “the devaluation will increase the debt / income causing rearrangements in the structure of household expenses with a negative effect on consumption. Overall, the devaluation for families and small businesses can generate a poverty effect “And while a devaluation would mean an improvement in competitiveness in the international market for goods produced in the country to Obuchi” numerous regulations, attacks on property, attacks on the private sector and other risks, discourage investment and domestic production. ” One point which coincides Pampillon, which states that the ills of the economy not only from the bolivar “which, without doubt, is overrated but above all, for not having undertaken tax reform in depth and have not fought the inefficiency and corruption in the political class. ” In particular, Venezuela, in its current stage is becoming increasingly obvious political uncertainty, the risk to investment, economy unstable, protests, disgruntled, insecurity, poverty, issues that can not and should ignore President Chavez, must give way to plans, economic programs more secure, credible, well-assessing its scope, impact, more to a year in which their aspirations for stay in power be seen, with actions that ensure economic security, participation, positive actions that benefit all citizens without discrimination, and within a climate of democracy that has happened to the union and not division. We hope that this will take into account what the president because you have all the tools of power to do it if it proposes.



The character of the globalization as sub-promoter of the regional blocks is good in parts, but for another sides it brings great detriments for the local economy. But we question: It is possible to live and to act of indifferent form to this reality in a globalizante capitalist world? The current economy allows unitary isolamentos? The answers for these investigations are not simple, first, isolation never would be the solution in a globalizado world, that is, in an interaction economy never this tactics of rebellion would function before the system, the example of this have Cuba, that until the current days it remains isolatedly and retroacting economically; second, the best form to deal and to fight against the diverse attacks and caused economic frustrations of the countries that if auto intitle you lead them is if uniting they, and through this generated alliance to usufruct of the wealth of this relation, exactly that the principle let us can lose values, this if I constituted an obligator risk. final 6.Consideraes In conclusion matrix, what we notice is the photo of the impossibility to make trouble the subject capitalism globalization, are impossible the communication and the thematic agreement of the boarded one if not to bring for the wheel of quarrels the capitalist economic factor, another fact also that we consider important was the understanding of camouflaged the economic blocks as promotional of the globalization. Finally, we synthecize the merit of the perception of this relation – capitalism/globalization, for the agreement of the current world..


The Center

Many children aged preinicial and initial start has imitate their parents, as for example when parents handle a text upside down, when they are reading imitate the Act.Therefore the first step for parents is to raise awareness about the value of the habit of reading and, once achieved, try to serve as a model to their own children (daughters). (b) it is important that parents devote a portion of their time to share the moments of reading with their children. For example: that childhood is necessary to read them with the greater expressiveness and possible eloquence the child, listening to the reading of a book, to develop their imagination and creativity. We need to always keep in mind that reading, as well as a habit, is an intellectual activity cognoscitiva.c) is convenient to enable proper clearance for books in an orderly manner of any genre of reading at home. This brings a significant importance in which children will realize that each book has its own website at home. d) choose books according to the taste and the maturation of the child is another needs to take into account.

For example in preschool are advisable books coloring, to draw, etc.Subsequently, and as the pupil grows, are appropriate books containing fairy tales, Elves who awakened in them their sense of wonder and imagination in their adventures. Also the imagination mixed with humor as Fables, stories, myths, legends. Also take into account in adolescence, fantastic tales, science fiction, articles, magazines (different notebooks forming a book) and other topics have become the center of their readings always taking into account the context in which they live.Finally, and as a reflection, also expressed, as scientist in education, educational units must be equip libraries, equipped with books enough to meet the needs of all students.ENTERING?N: – All parents have always bear in mind that the basis of the learning of their children are reading. On the other hand, it is convenient for parents to control the information that can be accessed by their children, since not everything that found in the reading is intended for them. All parents should have in their small homes places of learning where they are interesting books for the reading of their children.


The Crisis For The Competition Leaves

American bubble will cause problems to the Brazilian economy. In the same way that great air accidents do not happen for an only cause, but yes for the succession of errors in cascade, several exist inside micron crises recessivos airs. Little production if translates little jobs indirect right-handers and this realimenta effect brake on the economy, pushing the level business-oriented for low. In well simple and coloquial way, without economs, it is this that happens, with aggravating an aggravating one is that the market lives of expectations, and expectations in a world of uncertainties mean: fear. With fear, all consumers, producers, investors, step on in the brake with much more force of what they would have, aggravating effect brake Yahoo! Babel Fish – Text Translation and Web Page Translation

L : This scene from there represents an abrupt fall and fortssima of the levels of economic activity that if keeps for a sufficiently long time, the image of,2 L ) Crisis with curve in V : This scene represents a fast fall and fortssima of the levels of economic activity, followed of an equally fast recovery (reversion of the bad expectations and fast sanitation of,3 the international credit)) Crisis with curve in U U business, to establish a strategical planning for each one of the scenes, leading in account that: ) The crisis is not the same one for all.

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