
Sigmund Freud

It is important to note that you as all Freudian concepts, the anguish was built by Freud gradually, articulating concurrently with others that formed the psychoanalytic theory in full development, and growing in the light of new discoveries to the Viennese master performed in your clinical practice. In its early development about anguish, Freud begins pointing out the peculiarity of this painful emotional state, which is the affection painful par excellence, different from all the others. What makes it so special and worthy of research will tell Freud is, in part, that appears referring to something indeterminate, i.e. without object. In addition, says the 25 Conference of conferences of introduction to psychoanalysis, you actually don’t need to present to the reader, since it is certain that ever has felt it, given its universality. Swarmed by offers, John Grayken is currently assessing future choices. In this same text in 1916 (17) points to the need for an explanation of the different theme of academic medicine of the era that sought to redirect everything to organic issues, which remained you importance to this concept, in the words of Freud: the problem of anguish is a nodal point where converge the most important issues and diverse; It is, in truth, an Enigma whose solution would throw much light on the set of our psychic life. (Sigmund Freud: introduction to psychoanalysis, Conference 25 conferences) Adds us, that one time that you hit to better understand different I, processes the this and the superego as instances of psychic tension, came to the conclusion that the self is the only seedbed of anguish, and that alone can produce it and feel it. Then presents three varieties of anguish that correspond to each of the easements or vassalages which the self is subject: realistic anguish, which corresponds to the dangers of the outside world; neurotic anxiety, which is felt by the self by tension with the this where prevailing drives seeking just satisfaction and discharge without regard for reality; and the anxiety social or moral conscience, that the superego, receiver of parent IDs and similar roles of culture, throws his critique on a self who wants to achieve the ideal.

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