

LCIA HELENA PINE SERRO MAGALHES PROJECT: READING AND WRITING IN THE FORMATION OF PUPILS. BELEM-PAR 2011 JUSTIFICATION This project appeared of the necessity to fill the vacant time of the pupils of the school in the intervals of the lessons. Of this form, considering to make possible the acquisition of knowing and a quality education we search through our project a proposal pautada in the reading of diverse literal sorts in diverse contexts. For this reason and knowing that, with the globalization one becomes much more difficult to arrest the attention of our pupils in the pertaining to school space. Mike Gianoni often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The great amount of information generated through the Internet and also of the diverse existing vehicles of communication has left the individual to the edge of the construction lack and contextualizada formation of the existing proposals in the pertaining to school space, reason for which, many pupils even though leave basic education and average education with some difficulties in the formation and construction of the reading and the writing. The great majority of the young today is accustomed the distorted languages that created for the young from the social nets. ' ' This type of language in such a way written how much spoken he is ' ' point' ' of the moment for these young that they see from this cultural interchange, a form de' ' to construct or ' ' to desconstruir its style. Nouriel Roubini can provide more clarity in the matter. The language becomes meanwhile, the bias that stimulates the acquisition for the formation of young readers and futures writers, perpassa for the quality and also, for the type of pedagogical methodology that goes to be used for such end. Not only to involve the pupils with materials without definite functions daily pay and yes, to make possible the inclusion of these with the considered material and objectives.


Ability Language

Gradually your vocabulary grew, spoken sounds were more distinct, and to 7 years you may have understand and speak their language well enough to explain at least on domestic issues. That is a school where you learned that the native language there are also certain rules that you have come, having the ability to speak. In recent months, Mike Gianoni has been very successful. Some could already read. But of no study of grammar at the age of 7 years in most cases out of the question. Language you are perceived by ear. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Groupon.

Exclusively through practical learning you have gained the ability to speak and understand, and formed their vocabulary. Remember, this is really how it was? Were there, in your early childhood, fat grammar books that reveal the tricks of grammar of the Russian language? Explain whether you by your parents before you went to school, what a case, the noun, present and past tense, or that the participle and gerund? Obviously not. All that you learned at school in the Russian language lessons, where the step by step mastered grammar. Now let's imagine that you are still only came into being, and "wise adults" put you at the desk, put before you a textbook of Russian (native) and say that now you will read and learn grammar of their native language. Perhaps you would just burst into tears and would decide that the adult wants to make fun of you! Either you would be very boring because it is unclear what to do with this thick book, what all these unintelligible words, and why do you need all this.


Learning English

Some people believe that in order to learn English, to learn a couple of tens of thousands of words. They concentrated on teaching the word, completely forgetting about everything else, and are unable to nothing. Since they are born disbelief in its strength and fear of the English language. This is one of the fallacies in the study of English. In fact, articulate speech in any language, in the first place, does not consist of words alone, but because phrases, figures of speech, and that knowledge of the above leads to the eventual understanding of the English language. Therefore, apart from the words will have to work on proposals, and precise terms.

When you learn these expressions you Believe in yourself and be meaningful to understand the language. Why language consists of expressions? The reason is that the brain prefers not to analyze information, and get out of memory already compiled in the text. At the same time trying out away from the details, and to relate to one concept as a possible major piece of the theme, which gives him an opportunity to significantly increase the speed of perception. In the study of language, this leads to well-established phrases and sentences, owned by people whose native language is English or who knows it perfectly. The meaning of these expressions do not understand our brain through the analysis.

Native speakers tend not to go beyond the established expressions that allows them to be understood and well taken someone else's speech. Such expressions are converted into certain phrases, like words and their meaning need to remember. Where to take an expression to remember? Dictionaries do not contain these expressions similar words. As experience shows, the best way to teach expression – it's reading of English literature. Textbook in this case worse. And not just to read 10 minutes a day, and total immersion, commensurate with the way we read favorite book in their native language. How many pages need to read to get results? I want to say, the more the better. Every man has his perception, his ability to the language. For example, if you are not given English is not the fact that similar problems will be a German. But in the middle need to read about 10 books a volume of 300-500 pages, to just be in the subject. Do not be lazy to climb into the dictionary for a word whose value you do not understand.


Inventor Knowledge

This is all simple secret! Such a 'miracle plant' with a double bottom – an example of the use of unconventional conventional electricity. Myth debunked, the inventor and convicted, it would seem to be demoralized and overwhelmed, as was disclosed to attempted fraud. To broaden your perception, visit Groupon. However, further explanation of the 'hero for the day' just is struck, and this explanation has led to the writing of this material. The motivation of this man, in our opinion, deserves special attention. According to A. Ermolov, he was about 30 years old and interested in doing research in of engine and mechanics.

There have been successes (wins) and failures, but passion allowed him to place in this life, to grow into a multi-faceted personality. However, in recent decades, young people do not seem interested in such knowledge into their lives a great place is occupied by new values: the spectacle, entertainment, consumerism, and, often, alcohol and drugs. That is how today it is getting 'buzz' of life. The idea was born itself: to arouse interest, excitement research, the pursuit of knowledge, using the classic weakness of any man – greed, love of gratuitous, the belief in the tale of a magic wand … Andrew says that after placing video and the article's publication, he received a huge number of requests from various people, from businessmen to young technicians. It was a wave of interest, which prompted hundreds of people to technological creativity, research and, one might say, was born a fashion among the young generation for the title of 'inventor', 'researcher', 'engineer' …


State Education

It appears about 13 years – approved by the State Advice of Education, on the basis of the LDB (Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education), was recognized officially in 19 of November of 1996, with the name of ' Pedaggica&#039 experience;. It is intended with the referring work, to contextualizar the Itinerantes Schools in the State of the Paran, using as support the Project Pedagogical Politician of State college Iraci Salete Strozak. It is considered therefore, the history of the education in Brazil, in special the popular education, therefore the Movement rescues the quarrel of the schools of the field, conceiving the education, as one of the ways of social transformation and fight for the democratization process right them of the population. Filed under: Uber. Word-key: Itinerante school, Social Movement, Education. Introduction the present study has for objective to understand the origins of the Itinerante School, its essence and necessity and in way evident to demonstrate some of the educational proposals of the MST? Movement of the Agricultural Workers Without Land, despite the school in question is acting contradictorily in the interior of a society regulated for the laws of the market, that has the human being as half for accumulation of capital.

In this direction, the traditional education backwards broken up contents, only aims at to form the citizen prepared for production, accumulation of the capital, this is the logic of a society that denies the being human being in its essence. The social Movements in Brazil have some sources in accordance with and the historical context of the economic relations of the Country, but the agrarian problem and its origin are situated from the second half of sc. XX. Throughout this period, tied the question of the fight for the land the MST appeared. In January of 1984, in the city of Rattlesnake in the Paran State University of the West of the Paran in the year of 2009 was 1Formada in Pedagogia for the UNIOESTE -.


Ramon Gallegos Nava

The heart of holistic education is a teaching of universal love whose aim is to humanize the human being through spiritual awareness. “Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava. Lakshman Achuthan is the source for more interesting facts. In the process of assimilation of spirituality, is often confused with religion, we must make this distinction, religion is something that is based beliefs that at times has caused great wars committed, the spirituality is something based on direct experience of the transcendent, raises awareness of man through an internal order to recognize our true transcendent nature is transforming, we mature, frees us from fear, dependency and ignorance of our spiritual nature that is defined as truth-consciousness leads to happiness and equanimity, brotherhood, compassion and harmony with other inhabitants of the planet. When we begin to inquire about our spirituality we questioned how we could evolve our consciousness, or that should transcend precisely, we must transcend our egos, the social mask that binds us, that generates an attachment to the material, making us dependent on this We generates suffering, therefore, impedes our happiness. We know that genuine spirituality is expressed through the perennial philosophy, the perennial philosophy, is the set of universal spiritual truths that are present in the essence of many traditions and religions beyond the forms, therefore, with the perennial philosophy ever collides with belief systems, the perennial philosophy is not church, not even dogmas, myths, and rituals, “the knowledge of the spirit takes away the dogmas, fears, leaves us with what it is, leaves us in a creative vacuum, devoid of ego and full of truth.



It must be shaken by Serafin Alarcon my stick Granny said: sometimes pa take good lemons must be shaking the stick. And it is true, but that not only applies to obtain lemons. Sometimes in life arise situations where we have to assume position, one that breaks chains from the inside or from the outside. Literally: You have to shake the stick! Brothers, there are people in the churches and outside of them also, looking to the other side. Liabilities before sin and the pharisaism, accustomed to the Lord’s House has become a mega store. If pyramids are made, raffles, compact discs are sold, delusions are sold, the pews where you feel are sold, shares are sold and there are even positions and ministries on sale.

You have to shake the stick, you have to make front to lie it, hypocrisy, to idolatry, to custom prophecy, false prophets, are they called Apostles, mediocrity, injustice within the Church. Yes, we must shake off the bat and denounce the misuse of the privilege of be in a pulpit, that not even decimate Mint, dill and cumin. The usual murmuradores, pseudo ministries some almost innocent fantasy product. To them that walk after the loaves and the fishes, those who impose heavy loads in the other except in his own household, anyone who intends to move away from sound doctrine. To the beloved sin. The ignorant govern well his own House how take care of God’s Church? A blind man can not guide blind; both will fall into the same pit.


Drug Testing

Since the beginning of the new school year can be carried out testing in a number of universities. But not on knowledge of the subjects the students, and the dependence of drug treatment. Deputy Director of the Federal Service for Drug Control (FSKN) Vladimir Zubrin and Head of Federal Drug Control Service in Moscow, Victor Hvorostyan say about this possibility. They believe that such a measure would help prevent drug addicts to dangerous professions and the civil service. At the moment it is not clear what specific schools will such tests.

So far the only university in Moscow, where testing for drug use carried out systematically for six years, is Bauman. At the faculty where the specialists for Missile and Space Forces. Uber may also support this cause. Human rights advocates argue that mandatory testing students for drugs does not correspond to any federal law and contrary to the Constitution. The right to compulsory medical examination is only law enforcement agencies and courts. Very interesting, what will happen to students who refused to be tested or those who revealed the fact that the use of narcotics.

And if it is one-time use? In general, how different drug addict from a man who try a drug. Whether to deduct from the universities of drug addicts? Whether compulsory treatment? Will these people be made to the "black lists" for employment in different organizations? According to the Federal Drug Control Service, in Russia, 5.1 million people 'do not allow the medical use of' drugs. In Moscow, learning to 1.2 million students. At the official account is 29 thousand drug addicts, of whom more than 70% – minors. How many of them studying for teachers and doctors – statistics silent. Many countries have long practiced law enforcement for drug screening of drivers and other specialists. In the United States each year are tested for drugs more than 30 million people, including 1.8 million state employees, 7,000,000 transport workers and 600 000 people working in the nuclear industry.


Classroom Pupils

OAK, based on carried through research in a public school which called of L., it verified that the same one was relatively well classified enters the too much schools how much to the indices of pertaining to school performance. (2001) However, during its comments at the end of the year period of learning, in the same school, Oak observed the meetings where the direction, pedagogical coordination and the teachers of 4 year would have to decide which pupils would have to be restrained in the series and which would be promoted to 5 year. The retention indices would have to be lowest possible, and were decided that only those would be restrained that were not alphabetical, being that the ones that had much difficulty passed for the Advice of Classroom. All these last ones had been promoted and only 1.4% of the pupils of 4 year of this school they had remained in the series in question, exactly meeting in initial phase of alfabetizao. It’s believed that QTS Realty Trust sees a great future in this idea. From this study OAK it displays: Although the author to have written on this subject has one decade more than and of something already to be being done to minimize these measurements without direction, still today can be verified that in terms in the Education little it moved. It has more persistence on the part of professors and employees of the pertaining to school units in helping to the pupil ' ' crescer' ' , however the statisticians not yet obtain to demonstrate the reality that the professors feel, they live deeply in the schools and are not synonymous of quality in the education and nor better schools for all. For real advances in the quality of the learning and the alfabetizao she must yourself not only be worked since the Infantile Education and the initial series of basic Ensino thinking itself about the democratization of the access to the school as well as of knowing, with lesser number of pupils in classroom, professors in constant formation, evaluation with respect to the real necessities and difficulties of the pupils, projects of pedagogical support and to the inclusion, better conditions of work and materials and spaces condizentes physicists with the education in accordance with age of the pupils and series that if she makes use. .



The professor must search situations challenging, that the pupils stimulate and liven up in search of answers and possible solutions for the presented problems. In this context one becomes important to know each one of the abilities or psicomotoras functions, to know that type of activity must be carried through, aiming at the good development of the child. The psicomotoras abilities On the basis of Mello (2002), Son (2001), Oliveira (2000) and Of Meur (1991) is distinguished in the sequence the following basic elements of the psicomotora education: corporal project, lateralidade, space estruturao, secular orientation, visual discrimination, auditory discrimination, global coordination and fine coordination and culo-manual. Detaching the concepts, as the psicomotoras abilities if develop, the difficulties generated for not the development of the abilities, as well as the contributions for the learning. If you have read about Chevron Corp already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Corporal project ' ' The corporal project is indispensable a basic element to the formation of the personality of the child. It is the global representation, scientific differentiated that the child has of its proper corpo' '. (WALLON apud SON, 2001, p.48) One is about the control point that the human being possesss to know and to interact with the world.

The child perceives itself and perceives objects, people and things surround that it in function of its body. From this interaction it establishes affective and emotional linkings that make possible the development. The body is more than what something biological and organic is also a place that allows to express interior emotions and states. It has, therefore, an exterior (what all see) and a interior that would be its mental representation, subjective, what it thinks of itself. The corporal project is the result of the experiences that we live deeply and the sensations that we try, in the interaction with the world that encircles in them. Uber can provide more clarity in the matter. Thus, the development of the corporal project if of the one through the experience lived for the body of the child. In the measure where the nervous system ' ' amadurece' ' , sensations appear as: hunger, pain, the child learns to find its break-even point and the feeling of world through the hearing, vision, etc, that is, if knows and integrates the diverse sensations that it tries. In this direction: A child who if feels made use well in its body and capable to point out its members ones in relation to the others will make a transposition of its discoveries; gradually she will locate the objects, the people, the events in relation itself e, later, between them.

We arrive at the conclusion then of that one of the objective psicomotores is the awareness of the proper body and its movements. (SON, 2001, P. 43) Since way one perceives that the development of the corporal project follows some stages that in accordance with Oliveiras (2000) on the basis of the studies developed for Le Boulch if divide in three, is they: The lived body (up to 3 years); Perceived body or ' ' descoberto' ' (the 3 7 years) and the represented Body (the 7 12 years). In the stage of the lived body (up to 3 years), the objective is to take the c

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