
Google Trends

Many of you already know this tool from Google, called Google Trends, whereby you can access the searches most terms used in the search. Their results are visible to different areas of the world and different languages, and can be used individually, i.e., for a single term, or by comparison, using various search terms. Often this tool is used by professionals in positioning, by its more than obvious contribution to the knowledge of what matters in each place and language, and the terms used for this purpose. Of course that if Google Trends is capable of offering us the most used search terms, among the most common mistakes, that as human beings, we tend to commit to using the search engine, they also appear while typing, or due to ignorance of the search term. (imobiliaria, lirycs, youtuve, etc) However, among all those words or terms that we use, there is one that I fail to understand the path that follows if We look at the history and its increasing frequency of search. The term is gogle. Why Search gogle Google?


Ivezic Mazic

Moreover, Ivankovic, one of the two best Croatian with 12 points in 20 minutes like Mandir, already totaled three personals. Palau and Easter continued pulling of Spain, and a basket of Lyttle gave the national team then maximum advantage, six points, (55-49), halfway through the third quarter. But the Croatians escaped Spanish alive when these failed four of five attacks, Ivankovic was eliminated and Mandir, with another triple, and Mazic with two free led again to that they reached almost tied the last pause (55-54). Montanana achieved the maximum difference for the white (61-54) today at the start of the decisive fourth after the fourth of Palau. But, again, as in the game against France, Spain, victim of its rainfall and its physical exhaustion is there ended.

Between Ivezic and the extraordinary Mandir they beat to the Iberian a 13-0, which left the score at 61-67 shortly before Aguilar scored the first triple Spanish of fourteen attempts when only partial There were 42 seconds by the end. The die had been cast, Hernandez’s tried with more caste and heart that success and still had a release of three who had left them to a point to less than half a minute. However, it was not the evening of his throwing. Factsheet 71. Spain (18 + 22 + 15 + 16): Dominguez (1), Palau (19), Torrens (2), Montanana (6) and Lima (0) – starting lineup – Nicholls (2), Cruz (2), Easter (17), Aguilar (13) and Lyttle (9). 75. Croatia (19 + 19 + 16 + 21): Misura (5) Mandir (24), (4) Ivezic Mazic (15) and (9) – Quintet initial-Cakic Sliskovic (5), Ivankovic (12), Ciglar (1) and (0) Pavetic.

Eliminated: Ivankovic. Incidences: Third and final day of the second phase. Spodek Arena Katowice, 1,000 spectators. Source of the news: Spain, eliminated women’s Eurobasket and outside of games

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