
Entrepreneur Personal Characteristics

Analyze and reflect in the run-up to the start-ups in addition to a viable business idea all by one or some few persons depends on start-ups. Equally personal properties and capabilities, i.e. individual personal factors, into the focus of interest back to next to the intangible capital. Each intensive thinking and analyzing in advance or the start-up phase of a business start-up advantages regarded solely for himself already. One of the perhaps the greatest, that all possible errors and risks more effectively recognised during the business start-up on paper, help prevent potential damage and dangers in the real practice. The entrepreneur is more or less directly forced to gain clarity on dynamic effect relations between his person and the business idea. Also, this would again be an opportunity to refine concepts and plans, and to make them possible crisis and future-proof. To cash benefits can contribute whenever the procedure, when it comes to money, that the entrepreneur from others want to borrow.

The better the entrepreneur for loan talks prepared is all the more confident he can negotiate and even safer occur because he knows well prepared as felt uncomfortable or private concerning his person for otherwise sometimes. By Becker, Jorg: entrepreneur rating, ISBN 9783837072846 the following points are treated: start-ups follow own rules and person profiles focuses on: the person of the founder of the existence of integration into a comprehensive PersonenbilanzErweiterung: candidate to existence founder factors strategic considerations existence founder profile with 3 dimensions of evaluation pattern implementation to evaluation networks the assessment of existence founder entrepreneur lights in its rating portfolio views of potentials and strategies to the perhaps the greatest advantages of such an approach is one, that all possible errors and risks, the still somewhat identified during the business start-up on paper, help to prevent possible damage and dangers in the real practice. The entrepreneur is more or less directly forced to gain clarity on dynamic effect relations between his person and the business idea. Also, this would be an opportunity to refine concepts and plans, and if possible how to make it in again. CF. Becker, Jorg: entrepreneur rating, ISBN 9783837072846. Jorg Becker

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