

ATTENTION! I am launching the course ' ' INSTRUMENTS TECHNICIAN OF ASSISTANT SOCIAL' ' that he aims at to enable all the Social Assistants to elaboration of all the documentation necessary technique for professional performance, who better want to prepare themselves to act in the market of work with more ability. COURSE TOTAL IN THE DISTANCE. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHERE PLACE OF THE COUNTRY YOU ARE. E$70,00 value or 2X of R$35,00. The content Programtico of the course is: UNIT 1. Ability Theoretician, Autonomy and Commitment Ethical-professional: UNIT 2. Elaborating Guiding: UNIT 3.

Social study: ASPECTS CONSIDERED IN THE ELABORATION OF THE SOCIAL STUDY UNIT 4. Interview Technique: IMPORTANCE, ADVANTAGES, LIMITATIONS. TYPES OF INTERVIEWS Course and conduction of the interview Formularization of the Questions Stimulaton the Complete Answers Register of the Answers Conclusion of the Interview DOMICILIARY VISIT UNIT 5. Social report: Some procedures that can facilitate the elaboration of report: TYPES OF REPORT UNIT 6: To seem Technician: UNIT 7. Social finding: Difference between report and finding Structure of the social finding UNIT 8. Technique-Social skill: SOCIAL STUDY OR SKILL TCNICA-SOCIAL DIFFERENTIATING: Social study, Skill Technique, Social Report, Finding Technician. —– I will deliver certified of 15hs —— I am Social Assistant of the CRAS in Ibirapu, the Bahia. Enterprise Executive MBA in Organizations and Health of the Worker. Telephone of my work (73) 3290-2770. Telephone of the City hall in which I am concursada: (73) 3290-2332 Bigger Information: or for the telephone (73) 8163-3384.


The History Of The Band Pearl Jam

With its origin in the city of Seattle, in the United States, at the time of the movement grunge, the band of rock Pearl Jam had its beginning in the decade of 90. Together with bands as Nirvana, Soundgarden, Mother Love Cap, Alice in Chains and Mudhoney, the Pearl Jam was highly influential for the scene grunge, being one of the only ones of the style that continues working actively in the current days. Its original name was Mookie Blaylock, but it adopted the denomination Pearl Jam, in November of 1990. The first album called ' ' Tem' ' had its launching in 1991. The COMPACT DISC is considered one of the best musical materials grunges. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as the restaurateur by clicking through. Between its prominences we have musics ' ' Alive' ' , ' ' Oceans' ' , ' ' Black' ' , ' ' Release' ' , ' ' Once' ' , ' ' Why Go' ' , ' ' Jeremy' ' , ' ' Porch' ' ' ' Even Flow' '. The album was a great success, occurring in high projection to the band.

Immediately afterwards, in 1993, the group launches ' ' Vs.' ' , that it arrived at the first place in number of sales of units in only 1 day. The album possesss successes as ' ' Animal, Daughter' ' , ' ' Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in the Small Town' ' , ' ' Rearviewmirror' ' , ' ' WMA' ' , ' ' Leash' ' ' ' Indifference' '. ' ' Vitalogy' ' , of 1994, it was the third album of the band and appeared with hits as ' ' Bugs' ' , ' ' Pray You ' ' , ' ' Last Exit' ' , ' ' Spin the Black Circle' '. Already next COMPACT DISC was ' ' Mirror Ball' ' , in 1995.


Rattlesnake Trainer

63 professionals of the area of physical education had been searched, where all acted as personal to trainer, being 40 of masculine sex and 23 of the feminine sex. A questionnaire with eighteen 9 questions being question with three possibilities of answers, and 9 questions was filled with subjective answers. As inclusion criteria the interviewed ones would have to be people who acted in the aerial at least three years as PT and that they inhabited in the city of Rattlesnake. Criteria of exclusion that the professionals had performance with less than 3 years, and did not inhabit in the city of Rattlesnake. RESULTS AND QUARREL TABLE 1 remunerativo Value of the hour/lesson In the following one analyzes finds that the value charged for the professionals searched is of R$ 25,00 Reals, corresponds 37.80%, being the value of R$ 30,00 Reals that 26% of the searched total correspond, being in one measured of R$ 27,50 Reals. In the work carried through for Ratamess (2008) the results indicate that resistance training, under the supervision of a personal to trainer leads to a bigger value initial of force of 1RM, auto-election of bigger intensities of exercises and evaluations of values of bigger effort perceived during the resistance exercise.

The supervision of a personal to trainer indicates that the results can be reached fast more, through a lapsing of adjusted training, postural evaluation, corporal composition with this its price is a little more raised in comparison if it was to carry through the trainings without the supervision of a PT. Personal TABLE 2Os trainer that they carry through nutricional orientation. Individuals that train without nutricional orientation can carry through it in incorrect way, in inadequate amount and intensity and without the had preparation, what it can cause to damages the health instead of benefits 58% affirms that they carry through a nutricional orientation and 42% do not make it.

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