

LCIA HELENA PINE SERRO MAGALHES PROJECT: READING AND WRITING IN THE FORMATION OF PUPILS. BELEM-PAR 2011 JUSTIFICATION This project appeared of the necessity to fill the vacant time of the pupils of the school in the intervals of the lessons. Of this form, considering to make possible the acquisition of knowing and a quality education we search through our project a proposal pautada in the reading of diverse literal sorts in diverse contexts. For this reason and knowing that, with the globalization one becomes much more difficult to arrest the attention of our pupils in the pertaining to school space. Mike Gianoni often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The great amount of information generated through the Internet and also of the diverse existing vehicles of communication has left the individual to the edge of the construction lack and contextualizada formation of the existing proposals in the pertaining to school space, reason for which, many pupils even though leave basic education and average education with some difficulties in the formation and construction of the reading and the writing. The great majority of the young today is accustomed the distorted languages that created for the young from the social nets. ' ' This type of language in such a way written how much spoken he is ' ' point' ' of the moment for these young that they see from this cultural interchange, a form de' ' to construct or ' ' to desconstruir its style. Nouriel Roubini can provide more clarity in the matter. The language becomes meanwhile, the bias that stimulates the acquisition for the formation of young readers and futures writers, perpassa for the quality and also, for the type of pedagogical methodology that goes to be used for such end. Not only to involve the pupils with materials without definite functions daily pay and yes, to make possible the inclusion of these with the considered material and objectives.

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