
Buying Secondhand Prestigious Car

Used Cars enter the Russian market in excellent condition, in the past, they went on an excellent road and had a decent care. Exterior, interior design, quality, tuning, for which I had to pay extra when buying a new car, high functional ability, all this attracts the attention of customers. Naturally, the desire to buy a new car is at all, but after he leaves the dealership, it immediately goes into the category of a used car and loses some of its value. It's also a fee for the novelty of the model and warranty. Hear other arguments on the topic with Roubini Global Economics. When buying a used vehicle is a good opportunity to save money. The rest of the cost of maintaining are the same, whether new or second-hand car is. When choosing a car there are always a few questions.

What kind of car to choose? Where to buy? The choice is primarily influenced by price and availability of the vehicle accessories and spare parts that you can buy in auto shop. The next factor – is the brand. Most brands of used cars prestige class have earned a good reputation and image in such components as reliability, quality and comfort. There is another factor that has a great influence on the choice – it is a guarantee of service. Choosing a used car should not be vigilant, the likelihood of unpleasant surprises can not be excluded, so the best solution is to entrust the responsibility of the choice of transport professionals, which is the auto show. Serious firm with extensive experience required to hold a comprehensive diagnosis of the selected machines guarantee a thorough inspection and check for legal clarity, correctly handle the documents. In our showroom largest selection of used cars in Yekaterinburg. We value our reputation for quality and customer service are paying attention. For our clients, we offer discounts and offer a wide range of services including car loans on favorable terms, additional technical equipment on the customer's request, the registration of the traffic police. The choice is always yours, good purchase!


The Capital

After passing a course, you can not experience fear in traffic and easy to drive your 'iron horse' in the difficult weather conditions. You can no longer be confused by the fog, sleet, snow and rain. You easily master the art of maneuvering, learn how to correctly tuned, you will not seem difficult or parking or overtaking, all of you perform confidently and clearly. Driving today demand not only from some 'dummies'. Most people already have rights, but still not confident when it comes to travel on the roads of the metropolis and enter the traffic flow.

In addition, often the drivers who survived the accident, feeling the effects of trauma and not always easy to make myself get back on the driver's seat. Nouriel Roubini can aid you in your search for knowledge. So drivers need post-accident rehabilitation. An experienced instructor will help overcome the inevitable driving in such cases, the psychological barrier, ending with a neurotic fear of the powerful flow of vehicles. Now the attention of newcomers provides a variety of courses with experienced teachers, teaching driving in cars and foreign companies on domestic cars, automatic transmission driving school that is so important, as more cars are equipped with is automatic. For those car owners who want to truly get lost and do not know how not to lose face in any serious situation on the roads, open course of extreme driving. In these courses the main objective – to help trainees acquire the skills of steering the summer and winter in difficult weather conditions. For this truly difficult situatsiiiskusstvenno model at the site with a slick surface, a specially equipped for training.

Driver during training produces specific muscle memory and a number of reactions, honed to automatism. By bringing the car to a real highway, the driver behaves confidently and skillfully in whatever difficult situation. At the heart of learning is considerable expertise of the security services and sports-car drivers. In the capital, along with a variety of courses are avtokursami riding a motorcycle, and they will allow drivers to two-wheeled 'horse' to behave in traffic as safely and confidently, as drivers of vehicles. By learning how to drive a car or motorcycle, improving your skills, you make life easier on the highway itself and others, providing themselves and others safe while driving and reducing the risk of accidents on the highways of the capital and the Moscow region.


Price Taxi

Thus, when price formation is taken into account and taxi drivers view, more is required to consent to carry out orders on the company's tariffs. After the analysis of such schemes of the taxi service must be inferred that this is the most simple scheme, which may allow to minimize the price of a taxi, which, however, may affect the quality of services. This can be explained by the fact that taxi drivers working in the private car, are often able to give up certain items costs (often this is not legally). I propose to understand what components of the cost of a taxi, and how these components affect the price of a taxi. It is not something Nouriel Roubini would like to discuss. Let's start with the purchase of vehicles for a taxi. Obviously, for Price does have a value class of car and its value, and the higher the price of a car taxi, the greater the depreciation costs are invested in the price of a taxi.

Need to pay attention to the fact that when the car belongs to the taxi taxi driver, the depreciation partially (or even in full) may be included in the revenue driver, because the machine is used for private purposes and the driver. But the provision of a taxi driver from a working machine company, depreciation and salaries component of the driver are always separated. The above also applies to repairs and regular maintenance of the vehicle. Talk about the costs associated with the organization of the control room service, we will not, because the difference is insignificant in both cases, frost has little effect on the price of a taxi. The distinctive point of costs, which possibly could have a positive impact on price changes in the direction of their taxi reduction may be the price of fuel. Specifically, the company has high net taxi taxis, which would be self-refueled their vehicles could save by buying fuel at wholesale prices.


Car Choices

What a machine needs a girl? Than it is guided in his choice of future car? The question, the author of this article decided to hold a "study" the problem. After conducting various tests and friends and acquaintances to me women and girls who owns a vehicle or at least having the opportunity to acquire such (which is very important!), were obtained some interesting results. Unlike men, girls are interested in the first place by such indicators are listed in men are not in the top positions. So, choosing the next car for the girl, despite the widespread opinion that the fair sex is primarily interested in the color of future car (a common misconception of the category of "blonde loves red cars"), women ask people's opinion, which in this understand! In the priority in most cases are close to people (even if they do not know how to change a car wheel, and that such a spark plug): Dad, husband, loved one, brother, etc. If this is their own vehicle, then the credibility of the opinion increases by 3-4 times. Moreover, if even in advance of the fair sex had an idea of the car that she wants (up to a particular brand), it is quite easy may change his mind if her lover will tell you that, for example, cars of this brand is better not to take. Further, the opinion of a specialist familiar (if available) or the vehicle owner, who presumably want to buy.

80% of women will never gain the car, if a friend tells her husband, with colorful details about all the problems he faced as the owner of this car brand. Thus, slightly narrowed range of searches on (well, of course) of the fair sex (that's why they and the fair sex) draw attention to the look of the car. In this case, attention is drawn not only by color, and overall impression. There are a lot of weight have an opinion from the category of "What is something she is not so," "Do not like it," "Too much like a tank", etc. Then, depending on the financial capacity of course is considered the cost of future cars. And, Finally, such factors (in descending order) as the consumption of gasoline of the future "iron horse", engine size, the presence of an automatic transmission, seat height, and reliability. So, summing up our "Exploration", which does not claim to be the expert, the author of this paper tried to apply this technique to yourself. Following the recommendations of all of the above, my modest chose the Peugeot 107: small, nice and cozy car you advise, which respond positively and that suits cost.


World Automotive Reverses

Traditional, held in January 2009, the Detroit Auto Show – NAIAS (North American International Auto Show) showed that energy-saving and environmental technologies in the automotive industry come to the fore. Hopes of oil producing countries (including including Russia) to the increasing trends in oil prices may well remain a distant dream, at least, the historical maximum in the summer of 2008 $ 147 per barrel, hardly will now be made. In the world automobile soon become "." Probably, the most advanced positions in the new branch will occupy the Chinese automakers. At the auto show detroyskom Chinese electric car brand presented model BYD E6, they plan to put in a series since mid 2009goda. Dimensions of novelty, are as follows: length – 4.554 m and the width and height – 1.822 and 1.630 m, respectively. Under the hood, five-seat crossover mounted electric motor power of 268 horsepower, allowing BYD E6 accelerate to 'hundreds' of eight seconds. Maximum speed – 160 kilometers per hour.

Cruising range is about E6 400 kilometers. Completely from the usual outlets batteries charged per hour (80% Charging is achieved in a quarter of an hour). BYD representatives also point out that all the chemical components used in batteries can be recycled. Estimated cost no more than $ 16 600. For the development of production electric cars come from virtually every country, is a pioneer in the automotive industry.

Six months before the release of the series has remained an American sedan and elektrosportkaru Chryler 200C Dodge Circuit EV, equipped with 200 – kilowatt electric motor, overclocking the its up to 100km / h in just 5 seconds and allow to reach 200km/chas. Recharging Dodge, as well as Chinese E6, from the usual outlets. The maximum cruising range is 320km. The BMW Group introduced the electric MINI E, and Japanese Toyota introduced the Prius hybrid with a 134 – strong unit, consisting from 1.8 petrol engine and electric motor. The new model is spending 100 km 4.7litrov gasoline. Leading companies worldwide automotive industry have decided to emerge from the crisis with the help of electric vehicles, all companies are keen to launch electric vehicles in the series in 2009. The new models not only save on traditional fuels, but can achieve savings of structural steel, as Each model in the third consists of plastics. It seems to commodity-dependent countries in the world market (oil and metallopostavlyayuschih) come to really hard times. Yuri Chashin

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