
Nobel Prize

I think the greatest work of love that is never been known, which made this literary fame. It sold millions of copies of this work, which resulted in a short time to become a Christian man a millionaire. Follow others, such as Alan Carr, and add to your knowledge base. The day of the ceremony in which he would forward the Nobel, he received the best gift of all possible on earth. Well, Angie was the one who handed the Nobel Prize because of the influence of her father she will be facilitated. He took this great honor in their hands and without looking put aside in the middle of a smile to your beautiful angel hug and kiss her staring at her tenderly. With each passing day and his merciful heart angie expressed to Cristian that would wonderful to create a foundation to sponsor the talents in philosophy and literature to enlarge the name of Colombia. Thing that they carried out. In that span of time your beautiful flower became pregnant, but because of a blow to the stomach of angie, she lost her baby.

What was a tremendous blow to their lives, which was a bitter experience that will soon be erased with the birth of an angel. A few years later the child began to grow and one night while Angie and their son in the arms of Christian. The boy said daddy read me a story, then his father got up and disappeared into the veil of a tender rose, brought back the most beautiful love story. The story was titled, love and the means of production.

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