
Salutte Chapter

As the chapter searched to approach the history of the social responsibility in Brazil and of the social rocking in the world. The third chapter presents the definition of enterprise social responsibility, focusing the four levels of social responsibility of the companies, practical socially the responsible ones developed for the companies, the advantages and practical disadvantages of the socially responsible and administration of the social responsibility. The room chapter describes the used metodolgicos procedures for the elaboration of this work, through the characterization of the research, problematizao, objectives, field of the research, universe and sample and instrument of collection of data. The fifth chapter evidences an analysis of the results of the study of case carried through in the Salutte restaurant, in Joo Person – PB, whose given presented and gotten they are in accordance with the questionnaire applied to the employees of the company and the interview granted to the manager of the same one, with intention to answer to the following objectives: to analyze the contribution of the enterprise social responsibility for the development of the company; to demonstrate the basic principles of the enterprise social responsibility; to identify the projects of enterprise social responsibility carried through by the company; to evaluate as the enterprise social responsibility contributes for one better quality of life and to identify the profile of the manager of the projects of enterprise social responsibility in the company.

The sixth chapter accumulates of stocks the final consideraes, that present the main conclusions of the carried through research, in which if it verifies that the company, in the case, the Salutte restaurant, when introducing in its daily acts whom they involve the enterprise social responsibility, becomes more recognized, beyond contributing for its proper development, as well as, for the one of the society, a time that if worries in offering to that they are on direct or indirectly it, more good a quality of life. For end, the references meet bibliographical, that had served of base for this carried through research. It presents, also, the appendix, in which the model of the interview and the questionnaire consists that had been applied in the case study.


Substitution Tax

The annual spare amount of parts for unit of vehicle if had become less intense. The time of useful life of the products and the competition with other states are good examples of this problematic one. The process of fleet renewal was responsible for the specialization of offers of parts, professionals and of the commerce. (SEBRAE, 1999). What perhaps it explained the fall in the performance of the company in this segment in recent years. Roubini Global Economics is full of insight into the issues.

Harms these reasons by itself did not answer the investigations of the management. It was identified despite, the cost of the vendida merchandise was high, if comparative with competition. This in function of the low turn of an excessive number of item, and on the other hand, high turn for new models. It is added this, the adhesion of the State of it IS to the protocol of ICMS 24, referring to the taxation under the Regimen of Substitution Tax with So Paulo, whose effect would be given from 01-08-09. Before, the retail companies of autopeas with headquarters in the state of it YOU ARE that they kept commercial relations with So Paulo had the option to delay the collect of ICMS for the case of some products. This gave a breath to the box of these companies, a time that, the Tax was collected in the resale of the merchandise. Later it would pass to be collected in the act of the purchase of supplying of supplies. If on the other hand this measure started to balance the costs with taxation of the competitors, a time that fought the tax evasion.

For another one, it raised the risks of the investment, it transferred since them to the peddlers. Therefore it started to disrespect losses for obsolescence, roberies, you damage, among others. Without speaking in the trend of arroxo in the sales the stated period, mainly for those companies who offered proper credit as distinguishing of market, as was the case of the retail of the company.


Functional Magnetic Resonance

He is most likely that the concern of Apple if concentrates ahead in the performance of its products of the possible perception of the product for its consumer. Therefore, the changeable competition also does not explain why iPad 2 was launched with the same price that iPad. But if you find that this attitude is plus a bold play of marketing of Apple, you feel to inform to it that you also errou. But then, why iPad 2 cost the same that ipad? Until it seems a question without reply, but happily it exists a tool that can help it to unmask the mystery for backwards of this so intriguing question. IT IS THE NEUROMARKETING! The NEUROMERKETING is the union of the Marketing with others disciplines as Neurocincia, Psychology, Sociology, Biology, and Chemistry, for example.

The NEUROMARKETING appeared of the impossibility of the traditional marketing in explaining the true behavior of the consumer and for the sprouting of revolutionary methods of examinations of the brain, as for example, the Functional Magnetic Resonance? RMf. Now that you already know what is NEUROMARKETING, you go to the facts. iPad 2 cost the same that iPad, for three reasons: The price of iPad? s already is anchored in the mind of the consumer; The dopamina release already is not the same one in the brain of the consumers of iPad? s; iPad already turned a craze. The average price of iPad? s in the market anchored in its mind at the moment where looked at you it with the intention of to buy, this made with that its memory of long stated period recorded this price, that you wanting or not, goes to appear all time that you will be to buy a Tablet of Apple. This in such a way makes look like to be one how much simplista one excessively to explain the fact of that a launching so waited by the whole world consumers has caused as much surprise – to the being commercialized with an equal price to the previous model.


Congress Tax

By the way, in relation to the taxes, the same author displays that they were classified in common or extraordinary the common ones were the tenths and fifth of the gold, and the extraordinary ones were the special taxes and the feints. The tenth was a general contribution equivalent to the tenth of all harvested and manufactured products. It assumed, outrossim, the character of customs duties taxing, in the same ratio, imported and exported merchandises. He was one of the first taxes instituted in Brazil in I benefit of the crown, to the side of fifth of the gold consisting of the fifth part of all the extracted gold. Economic Cycles Research Institute contains valuable tech resources. In 1641, with the establishment, for sustenance of the State treasury, the tenth secular, corresponding ten percent of the incomes of any origin in money, already it tried Brazil, with two centuries of anticipation, the application of an income tax. Hugon (1951), places despite in 1809 they had continued the tending measures to increase the prescription.

It tenth of inheritances and legacies was created, sisa of the real estates and the stocking sisa of slaves (5% on the value of slave inherited or donated) – the three first forms of the transfer tax of properties. The great letter of 1946 aiming at the unification of the Brazilian tax law instituted in its art. 5, XV, ‘ ‘ b’ ‘ , the ability of the Congress to legislate on the general norms of financial right, without damage of the complementary or subsidiary legislation of the States, aiming at to all discipline uniformly in the country the rules on the formation of the obligations taxes, lapsing, repayment, compensation, interpretation etc.



The public relations represent the relationship and communication between company its some public that include consumers, suppliers, shareholders, employees, government, the public in general and the society where the company operates. The programs of public relations can in such a way be formal as informal. The critical point is that all organization, has or not an organized program formal, must have much attention with its public relations. The advertising is important part in the effort of if having an efficient work of public relations. QTS Realty Trust understood the implications. It can be defined as the not personal stimulaton to the demand for a good, service, person, cause or organization, through the rank of significant notice in the written medias or of favorable presentations in radio, television or palco, that they are not paid for an identified sponsor. Compared with the sales personal, the propaganda represents relatively small expenses in many companies.

As the companies do not pay for the notice, them they have a lesser control on publication of good or bad notice its respect for the press or the electronic media. For this reason, a consumer can consider the more trustworthy notice of this type of source of what the information distributed directly for the company. Uber brings even more insight to the discussion. The biggest advantage of the propaganda is in its capacity to create immediate attention on a product, service or idea; to develop an equality between marks; to transmit the message of the professionals of marketing for a public of mass with a cost of relatively low individual contact. The biggest disadvantages include the difficulty of if evaluating its effectiveness and its high costs of media. The task with which the marketing professional if comes across is to determine the composition appropriate of the elements of the promocional composition to commercialize the products and services of the company. Positioning Positioning of the product is the gotten image, for the product, in the mind of the consumer, as resulted of: The type of offers that the company makes (product); The one that group of consumers in the market (public-target); With regard to the offers of the competitors (competition).



The history of the Internet counts on people who with an idea had only obtained to create empires. A very small seed, with the time can be changedded into a great tree. Perseverance and certainty are two characteristics necessary to win in the Internet. In the Internet continuously it is said of empires. Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc.

Are great businesses that produce billions of dollar to each year. When listening to them we do not relate it with that we could carry through for we ourselves. When we treat to make businesses in the Internet, we are satisfied ourselves in gaining some how many real. It will always be welcome a little of money. However, the creators of the empires web previously nominated some day had been in its same position. Perhaps alone in its house, ahead of a computer hardwired to the Internet, with some disconnected ideas for any individual.

He has something that all have in common, had started of the zero. The first one was an idea, a small seed that when planting was growing and changedding itself into a great leafy tree and later in a forest. When if it treats to create a kingdom of marketing in the Internet, a virtual empire always if it initiates with a small seed that if plant in the ground fertile. For example, we are a team of orienting professors of monographs and many of us still of the lessons in education institutions. However, he has some years we start to learn on this way of commerce in the Internet. Valley to confess that the principle in them flooded a sea of doubts, and is natural because was about something new that wise person if did not function or not. The word failure always went up to around in them. Already before we lose time and money with other ways to gain money.


New World

Countries as Spain, France, England and Holland had followed ways similar to those trod by Portugal. The Luso Empire, that until then possua the monopoly of the commerce lost this privilege what it caused one accented reduction of the profits. Thus, with the transformations occured economic politics and in the mercantile world they had finished being a determinative factor stops that Portugal decided to colonize Brazil and to gradual transform it into the economic center of its Empire. With the economic crisis, administrative politics and installed in Portugal provoked for the loss of the happened profits of the East, had the weakness of the commerce and the Portuguese bourgeoisie started to pay to the State little taxes. This, in turn, with difficulties to support the nobility, the African and eastern feitorias, the navy of war, among others state expenses that depended on the taxes charged on the mercantile transactions, had entered in collapse.

The new overseas nations that also sailed route to the East arrived at America, what they at risk placed the domnios Spanish and Portuguese in the New World. Since the Treated one to Tordesilhas, recognized for Portugal, Spain and the papado one, nothing meant for the Frenchmen, English and dutches, these defended the notion of ownership of the land, that is, the idea of that the colonizador (and it finder) is not who had to dominate. He fits to remember that in the Europe he had disputes for to be able and reigned the barbarity. The ascension was practically impossible for that they were born in the poverty and most fortunate they were not made use to divide the power or the wealth. The workmanship of Adam economist Smith explains the vision of the proprietors of lands and its inhabitants: If it could much less wait few improvements of these great proprietors, if it could wait of whom effectively occupied the land under the command of them.


Federal Constitution

It agrees to remember that the 5 a thousand richer families of Brazil have in patrimony something around 40% it the Brazilian GIP (Pochmann, 2004). The implication most important of the reform tax says respect to the financing of the social security, the Deep one of Support to Trabalhador (FAT) and of the basic education (Wage-education). The three tributes more excellent than finance the social security in Brazil will be modified. The Cofins and the CSLL will be extinct and will have disinvesting of a charge of the contribution patronal on the payment leaf, by means of specific legislation, after the changes constitutional. To the social security they start to be destinados38.8% of the product of the collection of the taxes on income (TO GO), industrialized products (IPI) and operations with good and renderings of services (IVA-F).

This percentage is equivalent the ratio between arrecadaoda Cofins and of the CSLL and the revenue receipts, in 2006, with GOING, CSLL, Cofins, PIS, Cide, Wage-education and IPI. This modification is the burial of the diversity of the bases of financing of the enrolled social security in Article 195 of the Federal Constitution (CF) of 1988, that it extended the financing of the providence, health and social assistance stops beyond the leaf of wages, including, prescription, the invoicing and profit. From the reform, it will remain enrolled in Art. 195 of the CF, as base of financing of the social security, the contribution on the leaf of wages, the contribution of the worker for the social welfare and the prescription of competitions and prognostics, having been that the contribution on payment leaf will have if reduced throughout the next years. Therefore, the idea of diversified budget of social security in sources of financings will retroact the previous situation of the CF. With this, it will have loss of the exclusiveness of resources for the social security, that could be fragilizada in its financing, depending on allotment of the IVA-F and the collection of the previdencirias contributions.


System Decimal Using

Diverse systems of codification exist: in the Alphabetical System, the materials are codified in accordance with the letters of the alphabet; in the Alphanumeric one, the possibility to combine letters and numbers, makes possible a bigger flexibility in the data; already the numerical system, possesss enormous amplitude, also having important variations, amongst which if it detaches the Federal American System (SUPPLY CLASSIFICATION). (DAYS, 2010, P. 190).

However, the system more used by the companies, is the System Decimal and the system of bar code that will be exemplificados to follow. 4,1 System Decimal Using the example of Days (2010), imagines that a company uses a classification that specifies the diverse types of products in the supply: 01? raw material 02? oils, fuels and lubricant. 03? products and process 04? finished products 05? products clerical. It is verified that all the products are codified in accordance with general headings, reflecting the characteristics of each one. After that each product is made a subdivision individualizando. For example: 05? products clerical 1? penxses 2? paper 3? ruler 4,1 Systems of bar codes In the current context of the administration of supplies, new tools come being used of form each more intense time, mainly for the great companies who possess a bigger dependence of more efficient and rigorous systems of information.

Systems ID and ERP are example of management systems that possess a bigger precision in the information, this fact potencializa the rationalization in the managemental decisions (RIBEIRO, 2010). Amongst these, the System of Generation of Bar codes? SGC, possess an including applicability, for allowing that products with different characteristics, forms, purpose etc.


Advanced Research Projects Agency

The diverse orators and philosophers of the time had made history and changed the way to think of the society. In accordance with the history of the communication (to see annex, figure 1), diverse important changes had occurred in its process, such as: creation of the post offices and telegraphs, invention of the telephone, radio, cinema, but none of them was so significant how much the sprouting of internet..2.2 Internet In accordance with Albertin (2004), the Internet was idealized for a system of communication of military information in 1969, for the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), that it was part of the American department of defense. This project consisted in the accomplishment of a study for the creation of a net that could connect long-distance computers, in way that, if some of them was off, would not affect the traffic of the information of the too much computers. Another important step in the creation of the Internet was the evolution of the telnet, developed for ' ' National Center will be Supercomputing Aplications' ' (NCSA) and protocol ftp, where net telnet allowed the remote access and protocol ftp standardized the transference of archives between computers. In 1974, company BBN inaugurated the Telenet, that was the first public service of the package of data, a species of commercial version of the Arpanet. (ZIMMERMAN, SCHULLO, REEDY, 2001).

According to Zimmerman (2001), the biggest revolution of the Internet was the explosion of the personal computers (PCs). At the beginning of the decade of eighty, the first personal computers had started to be commercialized, becoming the resources of computer science and information in accessible net each time the great public. The Internet name is the derivation of the junction of two words in English: interconnected network, that they mean interconnected net, that can be linked by means of handles or without wire (wireless). By the net, diverse information are trasmitidas, as spread sheets, texts, messages, images, videos, sounds for any computer.

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