
System Decimal Using

Diverse systems of codification exist: in the Alphabetical System, the materials are codified in accordance with the letters of the alphabet; in the Alphanumeric one, the possibility to combine letters and numbers, makes possible a bigger flexibility in the data; already the numerical system, possesss enormous amplitude, also having important variations, amongst which if it detaches the Federal American System (SUPPLY CLASSIFICATION). (DAYS, 2010, P. 190).

However, the system more used by the companies, is the System Decimal and the system of bar code that will be exemplificados to follow. 4,1 System Decimal Using the example of Days (2010), imagines that a company uses a classification that specifies the diverse types of products in the supply: 01? raw material 02? oils, fuels and lubricant. 03? products and process 04? finished products 05? products clerical. It is verified that all the products are codified in accordance with general headings, reflecting the characteristics of each one. After that each product is made a subdivision individualizando. For example: 05? products clerical 1? penxses 2? paper 3? ruler 4,1 Systems of bar codes In the current context of the administration of supplies, new tools come being used of form each more intense time, mainly for the great companies who possess a bigger dependence of more efficient and rigorous systems of information.

Systems ID and ERP are example of management systems that possess a bigger precision in the information, this fact potencializa the rationalization in the managemental decisions (RIBEIRO, 2010). Amongst these, the System of Generation of Bar codes? SGC, possess an including applicability, for allowing that products with different characteristics, forms, purpose etc.


Advanced Research Projects Agency

The diverse orators and philosophers of the time had made history and changed the way to think of the society. In accordance with the history of the communication (to see annex, figure 1), diverse important changes had occurred in its process, such as: creation of the post offices and telegraphs, invention of the telephone, radio, cinema, but none of them was so significant how much the sprouting of internet..2.2 Internet In accordance with Albertin (2004), the Internet was idealized for a system of communication of military information in 1969, for the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), that it was part of the American department of defense. This project consisted in the accomplishment of a study for the creation of a net that could connect long-distance computers, in way that, if some of them was off, would not affect the traffic of the information of the too much computers. Another important step in the creation of the Internet was the evolution of the telnet, developed for ' ' National Center will be Supercomputing Aplications' ' (NCSA) and protocol ftp, where net telnet allowed the remote access and protocol ftp standardized the transference of archives between computers. In 1974, company BBN inaugurated the Telenet, that was the first public service of the package of data, a species of commercial version of the Arpanet. (ZIMMERMAN, SCHULLO, REEDY, 2001).

According to Zimmerman (2001), the biggest revolution of the Internet was the explosion of the personal computers (PCs). At the beginning of the decade of eighty, the first personal computers had started to be commercialized, becoming the resources of computer science and information in accessible net each time the great public. The Internet name is the derivation of the junction of two words in English: interconnected network, that they mean interconnected net, that can be linked by means of handles or without wire (wireless). By the net, diverse information are trasmitidas, as spread sheets, texts, messages, images, videos, sounds for any computer.


How To Choose Quality Pantyhose Fashion ?

How to choose a high-quality tights, when the terms of such a large range of tights? As we know women love with their ears, and eyes like a man, so men appreciating women look, by all means pay attention to her legs. From how to choose the right tights, depends not only on the attractiveness and comfort of your feet, but the time it will serve you for this part of your wardrobe. And with proper care, will keep their pantyhose initial appeal and the property. How to choose a suitable tights, when the diversity of eyes just run away? Select size pantyhose order not to be mistaken with the size of tights, you must pay attention to the size of which depends on weight, height and volume of the thighs. European manufacturers of label sizes in Latin letters: S (small) – small, M (middle) – Medium, L (large) – a large, XL (extra large) – very big. In addition, sometimes there is the sixth size and is denoted by – XXL. Most often, the package of pantyhose shows table sizes, which is easy to navigate what size is right for you, but even in this seemingly simple question has its own nuance. The dimensions of a single firm Manufacturer of tights may be different from the other dimensions. If you are the owner of not quite a standard shape and your legs, for example, are too long or too short, it is better to take the tights one size larger.

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