' Not only each part of the world makes each time more part of the world, but the world while world is each more present time in each one of its parts. This if not only verifies for the nations and peoples, but also for the individuals. In the same way that each point of a holograma contains the information of all of that is part, doravante each individual also receives or consumes information and the substances comings of all the Universo' ' 1. Introduction the Globalization is a process, inexorable and irreversible, whose studies are not depleted in function of the multiatmospheric complexity. To deal with the effect of the Globalization already became routine of the academic universe and will search, here, in this study, to analyze the Global universe of the Communication opposed to the Regional way of miditica production. I will search the confluence of the production in Global mesh, and of the production of the regional borders, to the Theory of the Information, the communicative model of the Mass Communication Research. maiorias of the researchers, date the beginning of the process of Globalization with end of First the Great economic War and the gear that had passed if to put into motion from there. Industrial stimulatons had been generated, that, in new (and multiples) lands, had advanced for the uninterrupted process of ' ' internationalization of economia' ' ; result of the expansion of the relations.
According to Thompson, the process of Globalization is fruit of the expansion of the commerce in the last period of the Average Age, advancing to the Modern Age. This period if characterizes for the birth of the commerce of long distance, and of the first economic concepts of negotiations pluri-frontiersmen. As well as defended for Thompson, the Globalization if does not summarize only to the magnifying of the borders of the Economic power, but also it encloses all the other powers that, from it, if had interrelated between the social teias.