
Temple Mount

The same thing would correspond them to do Latin Americans of Spanish, European, African and Asian descent. Nobody can give lessons of morality or ethics to the Jews. The moral and spiritual essence of Christians and Muslims comes from Judaism. Nevertheless the Jews remain the scapegoat of humanity for being God’s chosen people. The Jews despite the adversity, stand out in their individual and collective activities, not trying to convince anyone of his truth, and do not proselytize.

That provokes envy, too often transformed into irrational hatred. The Jewish people has a psychological trauma which perhaps was properly identified and studied by some expert. However, not finding me aware of scientific knowledge in that field, I dare to call it as the Auschwitz syndrome, or the complex of feel more comfortable being the victim as executioner. A fact which is cunningly used by all anti-Semitic to undermine the legitimate rights of the Jews to their existence, and particularly its existence in its natural biblical territory. It is becoming a victim sounds better to be executioner, and as the judeofobos know to make the qualification of Carnival that took place the Jews themselves, the world now looks to the israelis as to the usurpers, forgetting more than 3,000 years of history written and archaeological sites that reflect their original, immanent, genuine and unquestionable presence on those Moors. The territories of Israel were recovered from the British in the war of independence in 1948. Neither before nor after, but until 1967 was heard of the existence of a Palestinian people, less still of a State.

The Palestinians then appeared in command of the brutal Yasser Arafat with their Muslim counterparts, who were allies of the nazis during World War II, and decided to continue with the extermination of the Jews. The shooting left them backfire militarily, but politically favored them. He served them to blatantly take the role of victims, and enrich themselves rudely. Peace with the Muslims will not be never, unless they change their religion and political conviction, which for them is the same. Israel cannot allow a State driven by murderous fundamentalist meters away from their cities, and even less a Jerusalem divide. Jerusalem is, was and will be the physical capital and spiritual of Jewry until the end of time, any Israelite ruler who intends to change his status will cause a civil war. With the demands that want to force Barack Hussein Obama on Israel, to subdue Islamist voracious appetites, David will have to again defend Goliath, but after winning the battle, politics or military, should be put to the Palestinian invaders in comfortable buses, indemnify them and dispatch them to Aman, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, or where you like most. Israel must tear down the mosques of Omar and Al Aksa insultingly built on the Temple Mount by the aggressive and irreverent Muslims and has to start to create the necessary conditions to build the third Temple of Jerusalem in the place that King Solomon appointed for this purpose.


Chair Position

Lifting a foot and extend it behind you, together on the floor. Contract your glutes, strengthens your abdominal, and keep the spine, naturally arched column. Centrate on balance, and descends until your torso is parallel to the ground. Starts the movement by pushing hips back. Push up to the starting position. Image: 7. glued to the paredNo be fooled by this simple exercise: if done correctly, with the shoulders, elbows, wrists and in constant contact with the wall is an exercise for the back that defies your central nervous system to burn extra calories.

How to do it? Stand with your back against a wall and your feet to 15 inches away from the wall. Put your hands above your head. Keeping wrists, elbows and shoulders in contact with the wall, slide your arms down the wall, placing elbows on the sides. It returns to the initial position. Image: 8.

iron T this version of lizard or lizard includes rotation and stabilizing your core, both aiming to sculpt your abdominals. How to do it? With the hands to the width of your shoulders on the floor, make a plate or lizard. When the arms are straight, raise your right hand and turn so that you lift up right arm over your shoulder and that your body forms a T. puts the hand back to the ground. Make another iron, working the left side. Image: 9. position V this motion gives you a full extension of the exercises to lose weight in one of the more complicated areas of your body. The typical abdominal don’t work so well. Variations such as the following, reduce the stress on your back and use more muscles. How to do it? Lie face up with legs straight. Keep the arms stretched above your chest, with your fingers pointing towards the wall behind you. Contracting the abdominal muscles, bent body upward, lifting the legs from the floor and stretch your arms towards your pes. Keep your back straight. Pause, and then returns to the starting position. Image: 10. Press shoulders with lizards or plates. Many exercises are reduced to one thing: lift anything heavy over your head. But many times you don’t need weights to get the same benefit, your own body weight gives you a good resistance. Through the use of a bench (or Chair) this variation on the Grill will give you results similar to the normal shoulder press of gyms. How to do it? Place your feet on a bench and hands on the floor slightly wider at the shoulders. With your hips in the air with a vertical angle to as you can, lowering his head to the ground. Pause, and pushes with the shoulders and triceps back to the initial position. Image: More exercise? All this I found on a website that will guide you through step by step, all these exercises and more: free of grease. Download the guide of exercises here don’t wait any longer, the answer to all your questions and all the exercises to lose weight just a click away.

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