
Salutte Chapter

As the chapter searched to approach the history of the social responsibility in Brazil and of the social rocking in the world. The third chapter presents the definition of enterprise social responsibility, focusing the four levels of social responsibility of the companies, practical socially the responsible ones developed for the companies, the advantages and practical disadvantages of the socially responsible and administration of the social responsibility. The room chapter describes the used metodolgicos procedures for the elaboration of this work, through the characterization of the research, problematizao, objectives, field of the research, universe and sample and instrument of collection of data. The fifth chapter evidences an analysis of the results of the study of case carried through in the Salutte restaurant, in Joo Person – PB, whose given presented and gotten they are in accordance with the questionnaire applied to the employees of the company and the interview granted to the manager of the same one, with intention to answer to the following objectives: to analyze the contribution of the enterprise social responsibility for the development of the company; to demonstrate the basic principles of the enterprise social responsibility; to identify the projects of enterprise social responsibility carried through by the company; to evaluate as the enterprise social responsibility contributes for one better quality of life and to identify the profile of the manager of the projects of enterprise social responsibility in the company.

The sixth chapter accumulates of stocks the final consideraes, that present the main conclusions of the carried through research, in which if it verifies that the company, in the case, the Salutte restaurant, when introducing in its daily acts whom they involve the enterprise social responsibility, becomes more recognized, beyond contributing for its proper development, as well as, for the one of the society, a time that if worries in offering to that they are on direct or indirectly it, more good a quality of life. For end, the references meet bibliographical, that had served of base for this carried through research. It presents, also, the appendix, in which the model of the interview and the questionnaire consists that had been applied in the case study.

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