Exists and is another important fact: the departments of private security (PSB), namely, they prefer to trust the majority of citizens protect their property, working with well-defined list equipment. This does not in any way connected with the monopoly of a particular kind of equipment. Simply, these organizations have a uniform database structure, communication protocols and adapt the incoming messages. These messages should have a clearly defined format – the one digestible form, which is essential for the proper and unique perception of the alarm from the protected object, and any operator on duty, working for CSC. "Knowing all these nuances, our specialists are always ready to explain in detail the pros and cons customers equipment of various brands and price ranges – explains Alexander Astapov, chief engineer of GC "AM-Center". – I usually encourage customers to install alarm systems of high order, which can be easily adapted to any system of monitoring, no matter who is the producer. Of course, the costs of equipment of this level often several times the cost of cheap alarm systems.
But in the future, these investments pay back, and repeatedly. " Companies specializing in the manufacture of generic hardware, a little bit. As a rule, large enterprises worldwide. What are the main brands represented on the Russian market. Widespread in the Russian equipment manufactured by ADEMCO, and above all the range of the control panel Vista. In their ability to build a security system for the new task of these panels resemble the designer.