

How much to the used methodology, we will follow the teachings of Jose de Assuno Barros, Ciro Flamarion Cardoso and Ronaldo Vainfas. According to first, the historical sources had left of being seen as a certification of its times to be considered a speech. That is, a serious analysis of a historical source must consider some questions: Who made; Why it made; For who it made; When it made; As it made. From this, we will have little possibility to fall in the trap to consider the sources as a faithful picture of the reality. Said this, we consider that the best form to explore a source historical, and this will be our mission in this work, following the metodolgica line of speech analysis, must attempt against for intratexto, intertexto and the context.

intratextual analysis if relates to the study of the source in itself. The intertextual analysis is the comparison of the source analyzed with sources of the same historical period. Already the context if relates to the study of the moment where the source was created and the interference that this way can have caused in this speech. Finally, all this work must be pautado in the idea of that a text, simultaneously, must be seen as one ' ' object of significao' ' one ' ' object of comunicao' '. Finally, we make ours the words of Ciro Flamarion Cardoso and of Ronaldo Vainfas when they affirm that we must ' ' to search the nexuses between the ideas contained in the speeches, the forms for which they express and the set of extraliteral determination that preside over the production, the circulation and the consumption of discursos' '. 14 Our work is divided in two chapters. The first one if destines to contextualizar our object, making the indispensable quarrels to understand what it was the Liberating National Alliance.


Unio Democrtica Nacional

He remained active until the eves of falecer, in Macei, 27 of November of 1983. It was married Helena Quintela Brando Vilela, with who had seven children. Description Politician In 1948, filiou it Unio Democrtica Nacional (UDN), exerting the mandate between February of the following year and January of 1959. In 1960, he was elect lieutenant governor of Alagoas, in the plate of udenista general Lus Cavalcante, for the understood period of 1961-1966. In 1966, it was candidatou senator for National the Renovadora Alliance (ENCLOSURE FOR BULLFIGHTING), left of the situacionista base, assuming the chair in February of the following year. He was reeleito in the lawsuit of November of 1974, one of few arenistas that had obtained to be elect for the Senate when until then Movimento Brazilian Democrtico (MDB) obtained to choose sixteen senators and ENCLOSURE FOR BULLFIGHTING only six, an smashing victory of the opposition leading at that time the military government to create the figure of the binico senator. In day 25 of April of 1979, it left the ENCLOSURE FOR BULLFIGHTING and it entered oposicionista Party MDB and, later, if it filiou to the Party of Movimento Brazilian Democrtico (PMDB). When receiving, in September of 1979, the heading of Paulistano Citizen granted for the City council of So Paulo, explains its devotion for the freedom: ' ' Citizen of Viosa de Alagoas, of the outskirts of the Mountain range of the Two Brothers, one of the last redoubts of the War of the Palmares, living creature contemplating the image of Zumbi, I feel the routes of the dreams and the heat to it of the blood libertrio.' ' In 1980, with the end of the bipartisanism and the sprouting of diverse parties of opposition in Brazil, Teotnio preferred filiar it Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement, the PMDB, considered the continuator of dead person MDB, becoming one of the most important names of the legend.


The Richest And The Most Humble In Russia

Before 1991 the country whose territory was the largest the world had the name “The USSR.” That is what named the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or Soviet Union, the second title was used because it was shorter. Then in 1917, was overthrown the tsarist regime and the socialist state was established. As the population of the USSR Needless to say that time all lived more or less, there was neither landowners nor capitalists and any kind of property. The average salary was around 120-150 rubles. Well in 1991 the Soviet state underwent significant changes. The separated republics of the Russian Federation due to be independent. As it turned out that the USSR was turned into UEI (the Union of Independent States) first and then was divided into the independent states (Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia Litva, etc.) Which are separated from the Russian Federation (the Federal Socialist Republic Russian Soviet time) in back.

Thus was formed the new state Russia (Russian Federation) which was first president Boris Yeltsin Nicolaevich. It was not socialist but capitalist state. Well, times have changed. “Well how the population now lives in Russia? In Russia today impeaching both the richest of all Russian people as the poorest. Well let’s see how they live the most humble and the richest. The population or Russian humblest n Anyone who lives in Russia knows that since 1992 is the most humble Russian population instead of living at home living in …

Street due to homelessness and has to sleep cartina green in summer when it’s hot and when it is cold (during the autumn season, winter, spring) sleep in some cellars of houses, stations and other places that could shelter from the cold and frozen precipitation. Perhaps you are asked: What is it? The truth is that a good part of this layer on the population just mentioned appeared to cause that those who were victims of a fraud that had been hidden behind supply and demand of real estate. So its time taking lazy to change the address for the better sell their rooms or homes. And I left those blank. For those who are called “Bomzh” which in Spanish means “He who is not domiciled.” The population of Russia’s richest. The living in Russia is aware that in that country live as the poorest and the richest. In the capital of Russia (Moscow) has focused most of the rich layer of the Russian population. Traffic jams on the roads Moscow continued over the working day show this fact. In the city of Moscow and neighborhoods are more humble residence layer of the population. Ie those with low-paid salary of whom are immigrants who are either from other Russian cities as the paicas the Near Abroad (for example, Uzbekistan, Tadzhikistan, etc …). But also are some areas in Moscow and suburbs where people live richer. The most notable region is named “Rublevka.” About the “Rublevka.” The colloquial name (or nickname) comes from the same location as this region is located next to the road Rublevsk (Rublevskoe Shosse “) which is west of the Russian capital. Over there the richest Russians living in Moscow and Russia is the Russian elite. For R ECENT is agreed that the standard of living in Russia is very diverse. As the quality of life of the richest is about hundred times higher than that of the humblest.


The Crisis For The Competition Leaves

American bubble will cause problems to the Brazilian economy. In the same way that great air accidents do not happen for an only cause, but yes for the succession of errors in cascade, several exist inside micron crises recessivos airs. Little production if translates little jobs indirect right-handers and this realimenta effect brake on the economy, pushing the level business-oriented for low. In well simple and coloquial way, without economs, it is this that happens, with aggravating an aggravating one is that the market lives of expectations, and expectations in a world of uncertainties mean: fear. With fear, all consumers, producers, investors, step on in the brake with much more force of what they would have, aggravating effect brake Yahoo! Babel Fish – Text Translation and Web Page Translation

L : This scene from there represents an abrupt fall and fortssima of the levels of economic activity that if keeps for a sufficiently long time, the image of,2 L ) Crisis with curve in V : This scene represents a fast fall and fortssima of the levels of economic activity, followed of an equally fast recovery (reversion of the bad expectations and fast sanitation of,3 the international credit)) Crisis with curve in U U business, to establish a strategical planning for each one of the scenes, leading in account that: ) The crisis is not the same one for all.

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