
Lobster Salad

Within our proposals to prepare Christmas recipes, let’s include a delicious lobster salad. This is not a very elavorado dish, but yes it does have a high cost, so if you are going to have many guests may not be your ideal choice, but if they are going to be 4 to 6 people can be an incoming special for a special night of festivities. (As opposed to Mike Gianoni). The lobster salad ingredients: 1 bogavante.1 ensalada.1 lechuga.1 carrot tomato.Olive oil.Modena balsamic vinegar.Media naranja Kepchup.mayonesa.CONAC.Zumo.Agua.1 bay leaf and salt. Expedia shines more light on the discussion. Put to cook the lobster in a pot with salted water and laurel, for 10 to 12 minutes. We got it and leave it to cool. While it is enfriando, cojemos 3 tablespoons of the juice of an orange and 1 cuharada, kepchup, 1 small jar of mayonnaise and half cognac and mix well with mixer. Hear other arguments on the topic with Mike Gianoni.

We let rest obtained sauce. Meanwhile, chop the lettuce, julienned, diced tomato and grate the carrot. Mix all together with oil, vinegar and salt to taste. Present it in a source, covering all the background. Made the bottom of the salad, cojemos the stew and separate body clamps, also separate head, and we leave aside, open body with care, to remove the meat the more he learns possible, and presented in not very thick slices. The salad will be presented with a salad base, head with the base resting on the plate, the clips on the sides one on each side. And in the Middle, in two rows, the meat we’ve done slices. What salt everything with the salasa cocktail that we no longer stand and we will have a delicious salad of lobster to celebrate this Christmas. go. You can find the recipe for lobster salad, and other many recipes of Christmas in our kitchen Cookbook.


South American Nations

It will be the first of the head of State of Panama, Martin Torrijos, who even though he was already in power in 2005, did not attend the of Mar del Plata to be able to preside in his country the patriotic festivities. There will be new debutantes, as Argentina, Cristina Fernandez; Ecuador, Rafael Correa; Peru, Alan Garcia; Chile, Michelle Bachelet; Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, and Bolivia, Evo Morales. It should be noted, that in practice, the topics that focus this Summit are not on the official program and would be the presence of Obama, the issue of the embargo against Cuba and the global financial crisis.Port Spain will be the venue of the first meeting between U.S. President Barack Obama and their neighbours in South America, after years of relations marked by tension or simply by neglect. Official site: Uber. As he cites the era in which United States acted unilaterally, in that dictated and not heard, that time is over () we are committed to working closely with our neighbours in the hemisphere, assured Joe Biden, Vice President of United States, recently.Obama plans port Spain meet separately with the leaders of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), the Caribbean and Central America.According to Jeffrey Davidow, Special Adviser to the U.S. President for this Summit, the leader will go to Trinidad to listen and not to propose.The Summit in Trinidad and Tobago is the first of continental scope which will attend the President of United States, Barack Obama, who took office last January. Indicates, that in front of him, you’ll have leaders who rely on a new dialogue with Washington, as it is the case of Brazil or Chile, and those who look with suspicion any American proposal and will demand the end to the blockade against Cuba, such as Venezuela or Nicaragua.Remember that President Obama recently announced the lifting of restrictions for travel of Cuban island and the sending of remittances and asked Havana to send a signal that there will be changes on the island, citing for example a release of political prisoners.According to the Secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), Jose Miguel Insulza, the Cuba issue is not present in the final Declaration of port Spain, something which several Latin American leaders considered to be inadmissible..



Many people want to have a way to communicate with the world. With the power of the internet, it is possible for almost anyone creating a simple blog. A blog is a publishing platform based on the web, which is the shortened form of weblog. If you’re asking the question should I have a blog? In this article you proporciono some reasons that you must have a weblog or blog. The short answer is: Yes!. Michael Schwartz wanted to know more.

There is no reason why you should not have a blog. A blog you will keep up-to-date on the events of your life to your family members and friends. See Dara Khosrowshahi for more details and insights. If you have a website or a business can use to publish articles about updates that get made or new products that get released for your company. Any person or company can benefit in some way of maintaining a blog. All you really need is find a free platform of blogs as Blogger.como and open a free account. Almost instantly, you’ll have a single network so that you can write about the events of your life, your web site updates or news about your company. Writes any information that your readers want to know.

Then you can send to all your acquaintances the link of your blog and to read what you’ve written in the. They will learn a lot from you, already actulizaras your state while things are happening in your life. Also mention the fact that is would probably be impressed that you have your own web page. So the next time you wonder should I have a blog? You can bet that the immediate answer will be Yes!. Blogs are a simple and free way to get the most out of the Internet. Don’t wait for it to arrive timely. Empiezalo now!. Original author and source of the article.


Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Sustainable entrepreneurship as key to a future that’s already here AEMME (Multisectorial Spanish Association of microenterprise) along with the College of technical engineering of public works of Madrid, organized the entrepreneurs day, sustainability and micro-enterprises. This session object vision was focused to all business areas, the current situation of the market and the need that entrepreneurs of any stature and entrepreneurs from all sectors, could join synergies with the aim of achieving a new way of advancing through the path of entrepreneurial sustainability. The seminar, held on January 25, attended an overwhelming that filled the room at all times. The numerous speakers fostered interest in all submissions, both its quality and its added value. Welcomed the Act Don Jesus Martinez Alegre, Dean of the College of engineers of public works of Madrid, Don Victor. I.

Delgado Corrales, President of AEMME and Don Benjamin Cendrero Agenjo, of the Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Madrid Emprende project. Between the 9.00 and 14,25 hours in the morning, which lasted approximately until 15.30 h, succeeded each other interesting papers which participated, among others:-Don Daniel Hellin, President and Chief Executive delegate of Foresis group, with a presentation on sustainability circles of great significance among the attendees. (-Roundtable on Ecodesign in micro-enterprises, with the participation of Evening Fashion Network, Ecologing, SlowFashion Spain)-Roundtable on sustainability in sectors of activity, with the participation of Evened group Daedalus; Avenat, environmental services; Don Carlos G. Carro, architect and lawyers VG, financial advisor. -In a third block were useful and practical presentation on funding of Don Jordi Paniello, President of the Association of professional consultants of investment and financing of Catalonia; and Nantik Lum, who presented the Spanish microfinance platform (PEM). -Finally and as closing papers with the themed Corporate Social responsibility, 3 companies addressed this very topical subject: network Spanish Pact world Nations United CSR – SME and a means of sector specialized as Corresponsables. He also spoke in an open, clear and passionate an entrepreneur and co-founder of Fundacion Ushas, Mrs. Carmen Alvarez, who put large doses of illusion, proactivity and innovation as ideas for Spanish entrepreneurs future.

Closing the day, responsible for its opening, AEMME and the University School engineers technical public works, gave went to a Networking with Spanish wine, where all attendees could exchange views about the reason of the day and of the future, already present, of sustainable entrepreneurship. AEMME hopes and wishes that this project, launched this 2012, has great success that has taken this journey and be, from now, cooperate, support, and help entrepreneurs and new entrepreneurs to build a sustainable in the Spanish market network. More information: Asociacion Espanola Multisectoral microenterprise AEMME – C /. Ambassadors, 198, 1 C, 28045, Madrid Tels.: 91 752 10 36 / 650 291 524, Fax: 91 528 39 87 E-mail: Web: author: Pilar Esteban, responsible communication, about AEMME AEMME was founded in the year 2004, with the intention of providing service to a business activity that is more isolated because of their special characteristics and greater difficulties in integrating into collective: microenterprise. AEMME integrates individual, self-employed entrepreneurs and small businesses in general: companies in the majority of family cases, with few employees and much daily effort.


USB Tools

There are users who naively think that a phone or a digital camera to connect them, there is no need to revise them with the antivirus as we do with a data flash memory. Symptoms and effects of the infection of Conficker is easy to realize the infection causing other effects include the following: disables the following services: Windows Defender restore System Security Center Windows report of errors of Windows updates automatic in Windows the following effects are usually seen as wrong by many users, is a poor network connection problems or servers that request is made when they are really caused by the virus Blocks installed anti-virus program updates and tries to download different fake anti-virus programs. It has a well updated database that allows you to block various sites and security companies, even computer security-related forums. For more information see this site: Uber. How to protect yourself from Conficker infection Following the basic safety measures, it is impossible that we contaminate the virus, it is essential: have an updated Antivirus. Keep Windows updated. Use strong passwords disable AutoPlay of removable USB devices be sure to review any USB removable devices that will be connecting to the computer. How to remove virus Conficker Conficker is not difficult to remove, all security companies provide various tools for deletion, access the next page that contains all the resources available to cope with this malware remove the Conficker virus, tools to detect and disinfestations PC will provide tools on that page to: identify if this infested your system. Download an application to delete it with all the variants that has to date, in addition to parallel neutralize other malicious codes related to Conficker as: Trojan.AutorunINF.Gen and Worm.Autorun.VHG. Disinfect the local network you are using to prevent return to contaminate you. In addition are advisable to also read: recover and restore damage caused by Conficker tools to eliminate viruses and other malicious programs.


Anise Doughnuts

Anise doughnuts recipe is one of my favorites, because it reminds me of the breakfasts at my grandmother’s House. Some delicious homemade doughnuts are a homey and traditional breakfast that may not but rejoice in the morning. Ingredients for doughnuts of Anise: 500 ml. aceite.200 ml. of anis.125 g. azucar.2 naranjas.1 limon.1 kg. By the same author: Dara Khosrowshahi .

of harina.1 sachet of yeast. For this recipe, begin by pouring the oil into a large dish, which we add a jar of sweet anise, sugar, rind of two oranges and peel of the lemon skin. Then we squeeze the juice from two oranges and add it. We incorporate the envelope of yeast. and, little by little, we will adding the flour. We use 1 kg. flour or a little more, depending on the amount of juice that you removed. We must add hrina until it comes off of the walls of the source.

Once completed the mass, we will give shape to doughnuts, to handle this type of mass it is best to make balls, flatten them and make them a hole in the Center, giving them so way donut. We precalentamos the oven to 170 degrees, and bake for about 25 minutes. pass them by sugar freshly taken from the oven, so well sticking to them. And you will have a real doughnuts of anise as our grandmothers did them. You can find the recipe for doughnuts of anise, and other many recipes, in our kitchen Cookbook. Original author and source of the article.


Personal Data

Or in other words can the voice identify a physical person alone? Curious subject, this voice. On the one hand, if everyone listen to an audio recording of our parents or siblings, surely we identify them instantly, as if we see them in a video recording or read your name and surname. However, the voice is linked much less with the person than his own image or its name. Many times we have received phone calls and it took awhile to recognize a friend that we see every week or a co-worker that we see on a daily basis. In any case, it seems clear that if I hear the voice of a person with which I have not had any kind of relationship, I will be entirely impossible to identify it but if it is part of my personal, family or working circle, could potentially identify you.

Do but perhaps a datum can be personal in an environment and not personal in another? Something told us years ago Samuel Parra on the silhouette. Taking into account that the data protection act does not It discriminates environments, all indications are that the identifiability of a person in their personal, family or business environment, contagiaria entire recording voice with full compliance with the LOPD. And what says the AEPD thereon? As usual it has everything. On the one hand, the legal Cabinet 497/2007 report of the AEPD practically ratifies the voice makes identifiable to an individual, and that it therefore applies the LOPD. For this purpose, the AEPD resorts to the judgment of the national audience of 8 March 2002, which said that for the existence of a datum of personal character (as opposed to fragmented data) a full match between the data and a particular person is not essential, but it is sufficient that such identification can be made without disproportionate efforts and to determine whether a person is identifiableWe must consider the whole of means that can be reasonably used by the controller or by any other person, to identify that person. In addition, the AEPD It uses the definitions in the field of data protection, to make it clear that an acoustic information also can be a datum of personal character ergo, an audio recording, is fully affected by the LOPD.

However, on the other hand, the legal Cabinet 190/2009 report of the AEPD seems to contradict the previous report. In particular, says the agency that: such recordings have significance and fall within the scope of the law from the moment therein may collect personal data of customers who contact with Service () even when we are before a course where there is personal data. Leaving open the possibility that in a recording, there are no data of a personal nature, is is denying that voice, by itself, is a personal information. In short, if anything, try the voice as if it will not be that the inspector on duty out of bed with the foot that is not. As a simple joke if the voice is a fact of personal what happen with the imitators of voices?


The Opportunities

My life changed and made him forever, I started my own company and I found a business on the internet that gave me real emotional and financial freedom, I managed to win $ 50,000 in 10 months and my business continues to grow, my familial relationships greatly improved, now people believe in me, I could give testimony. Now speak with authority that the methods shown in this book if they work and if they did it with me also will do it with you, cheer up the price of change is something that is worthwhile, is like a vaccine, can be painful .but sometime happens fast, then you will enjoy true freedom, most people will tell you hold onto that twigopportunities are bald, it’s better old acquaintance new to know, others are worse, at least I have a job, the situation is difficult, to begin with it is necessary capital, you have to grab what comes out, etc. etc. etc. I tell them. pursue their dreams, do what you love, not give up ever, seek and you will find, touch and opens them, have faith and everything they may, the opportunities are there waiting for that you conquer them just enough that you decide it, not more delay things, this is the best day to start, remember coincidences do not exist and if you’ve heard this testimony is something and that something is in the deepest of your be you not agree with the life that has today, came the time to change it, you deserve happiness, prosperity, love and all that fills it with satisfaction.

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