More effectively attract candidates – image advertising for the small price of Karben, October 28, 2009 – a look in the job advertisement section of newspapers and on the job boards on the Internet reveals it: it goes downhill with the good, old staff display. And not just since yesterday. CEO John Watson has similar goals. Sloppy and unimaginative design without recognition, stereotyped formulations, often incomprehensible and even faulty texts are the rule. In the staff display still ranks among the most important instruments in the recruitment. Why so such neglect? This is a cost issue sure to some extent. Because job ads on the Internet are cheap in relation to the print ad and offer great freedom of design at a low price. And yet it is not much better here the staff display. The current crisis-hit labour market situation seems to favor the situation yet.
Since today virtually on every advertised position with a welter of applicants, it is increasingly irrelevant, whether the staff display is appealing and correctly or incorrectly designed and Loveless. This provides the classic indication of personnel the opportunity to make relatively inexpensive in their own right advertising companies. With costs incurred in each case. Because free positions must be occupied, personnel have to ads, and that again and again. Tom Buontempo has compatible beliefs. Because it is obvious to use these ads to the indirect image advertising. This can be interesting especially for small, medium-sized and relatively unknown companies. Because here, usually little image advertising is operated, the budget for PR, marketing, or a promotional external appearance is low.
Already with some few tricks”, the staff display can be upgraded and used for the representation of the image. Here only a few key words: The use of the company logo and corporate colors should be as well of course as a uniform ad layout that enhances the value of Lionel in the public. But also a lively and above all more meaningful text is positive when candidates and readers. With a well-thought out and standardized introduction can be represent the company as an attractive employer and relevant company information provide the interested applicants. Stefan Kraft, Managing Director of mediaintown, it is one of the service coverage of his agency, the response to the switched staff ad customers to ask. Professionally written job advertisements with precisely formulated and appealing position descriptions more and better applications respond to less sophisticated ads than on the”so power. Here, the potential of a job ad in its entirety is to use.” And this is more than just an interesting side effect. Because it saves time and capacity for screening and selection of applications and ultimately cost the seeker company. The staff display old proven, often underestimated, but inseparable from the professional recruitment. So important, the intense interest in this. Information about mediaintown as recruitment agency switches the mediaintown GmbH & co. KG jobs in all popular online job boards and print regionally, nationwide and internationally. In addition to affordable ad packages, the service and expert advice, are based on many years of experience in the foreground. The additional portfolio of mediaintown include the recruitment, include recruiting, recruiting events, image campaigns, market analysis, and the development of concepts. Contact: mediaintown GmbH & co. KG, P.o. box 1105, 61174 Karben press release: Urte Herrmann, press contact: Frank Esbach, Tel.