

How much to the used methodology, we will follow the teachings of Jose de Assuno Barros, Ciro Flamarion Cardoso and Ronaldo Vainfas. According to first, the historical sources had left of being seen as a certification of its times to be considered a speech. That is, a serious analysis of a historical source must consider some questions: Who made; Why it made; For who it made; When it made; As it made. From this, we will have little possibility to fall in the trap to consider the sources as a faithful picture of the reality. Said this, we consider that the best form to explore a source historical, and this will be our mission in this work, following the metodolgica line of speech analysis, must attempt against for intratexto, intertexto and the context.

intratextual analysis if relates to the study of the source in itself. The intertextual analysis is the comparison of the source analyzed with sources of the same historical period. Already the context if relates to the study of the moment where the source was created and the interference that this way can have caused in this speech. Finally, all this work must be pautado in the idea of that a text, simultaneously, must be seen as one ' ' object of significao' ' one ' ' object of comunicao' '. Finally, we make ours the words of Ciro Flamarion Cardoso and of Ronaldo Vainfas when they affirm that we must ' ' to search the nexuses between the ideas contained in the speeches, the forms for which they express and the set of extraliteral determination that preside over the production, the circulation and the consumption of discursos' '. 14 Our work is divided in two chapters. The first one if destines to contextualizar our object, making the indispensable quarrels to understand what it was the Liberating National Alliance.

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