
Managing Director

Detlev Artelt is new on 3sat to guest in the show, to talk about the advantages and benefits of speaker verification. “Aachen/Mainz, June 20, 2008: the public broadcaster 3sat is dedicated to the topical issue of voice control” a show which will be broadcast on Sunday. Detlev Artelt, editor of the voice compass, was invited as a longtime expert in this area to this show to share his practical expertise and project experience to the audience. In an interview, he talks about advantages, benefits, and security of personal identification by speech input (speaker verification) and about new ways that relate to. Continue to look the editors behind the scenes of current voice applications, which simplify customer service through voice automation and flexibility. Hear from experts in the field like Uber for a more varied view.

But mostly the solutions face with the acceptance and the prejudices of the user. In addition, that the variety of available solutions is qualitatively very different. Time for a critical view, the discloses how and how well voice control is now really works. The show is broadcast on the following dates: Sunday, the June 22, 2008 from 16:30 17:00 clock (3sat) Monday, the June 23, 2008 07:00 07:30 (3sat) Tuesday, the June 24, 2008 from 1:50 hrs (ZDF) Thursday, the June 26, 2008 from 13:30 (ZDF Infokanal) about Detlev Artelt, Detlev Artelt is Managing Director of aixvox GmbH in Aachen and well-known author of various papers and market studies in the field of database-based computer voice systems in conjunction with speech recognition and synthesis. Detlev Artelt is also the Publisher of the voice compass”an annual, international compendium of the market of voice automation ( This publication is divided into logical areas all relevant providers and helps the decision makers to understand this technology, the benefits and the market. He is also the voice compass valuable tips on the use of language technology company. Detlev Artelt also directs the Working Group of unified communications at the eco Association.


Earth Realization

The challenge makes the leader of excellence and no challenge without risk to failure.The assimilated failure makes the tissue, the texture of the success. For other opinions and approaches, find out what the restaurateur has to say. The winners know that it is the surest way to achieve what we want. 7 – Be excellent is to claim us ourselves the full development of our potential seeking tirelessly the realization.The universal vocation of man is his own and full realization.The realization is the full expression of our potential, and the only way to achieve excellence is to have the courage and the courage to remove it better ourselves. 8 – Being excellent is to understand that we can achieve the realization through the daily privilege of our work.Let us make every hour of our existence a masterpiece.Man has the option of resembling God every day through its creative talent. 9 – Being excellent is to create something: a system, a position, a company, a home and a life.The human being is in God’s image and becomes such when it is creative.Excellent beings are those who are trying to do things always in top shape. Challenge yourself and dream with changes of higher-order and fight tirelessly for achieving them.

10 – Being excellent is exercising our freedom and be responsible for each one of our actions.Free is not someone who does what he wants, but it does what it should do.Freedom is exercised participate, committing ourselves with what we love. There is no freedom without compromise. 11 – Being excellent is feel offended and jump into the action against slander and injustice.The ideas will make you strong; the invincible ideals.Be excellent is deeply incorporated into their community, you know part of it and understands that the ills that afflict it are the responsibility of all its members. 12 – Being excellent is lift the eyes of Earth, raise the spirit and dream of achieving the impossible.A thinker dies in a day, a dreamer living eternally.An idealist is like a Sun that heats, illuminates and radiates throughout your environment. 13 – Be excellent is to transcend our time bequeathing to future generations a better world.Live in excellence will make us remain forever for future generations.Beings that mark trails, which harness the achievement of ideals.


Kepler Mathematics

becoming geniuses of quality, Chair, intellectual teaching and other so many virtues that he speaks in another Treaty, things that the same politicians with all your money little understand. Read more from Chevron Corp to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Dream, they are the greatest idealists, sacrifice sleep and study, forming generations of thinkers, but they are first and foremost simple, not create titles make them better than their parents, or students, women and children. What allows an expert to recognize is his dignity and simplicity. But they are not as the common denominator of people wasting time on issues that do not build the mind the intellect and the spirit. Let that others enjoy not being as you are idealistic and practical, geniuses who knows Colombia as Greece is known.

We can illustrate Sebastian Jans about the Pythagorean theory or same Pythagoras.It says: one of the most known inheritances of pythagoreanism to mathematics, the theorem of the hypotenuse, is better known as the Pythagorean theorem. It is not clear if this was the work of the teacher or his disciples, because the Pythagorean they were great mathematicians who used to be attributed to Pythagoras all their discoveries. Its effect on the geometry will be of fundamental importance to the point that constitutes a reference for many disciplines of knowledge, not only in terms of those relating to mathematics, not in vain Kepler aseveraria, along with the proportion aure, the Pythagorean theorem, were two jewels of the geometry. Sebastian Jans explains the theorem and additional makes some demonstrations, as well ilustremonos a little. For the Pythagorean mathematics, means the knowledge by excellence. Classified into four branches: arithmetic, geometry, music and astrology.

Constituting the Quadrivum of Sciences as perduraria for two millennia. Now let’s look at the musical part: the axiomatic Foundation of the Pythagorean harmony is recounted by the astronomer Ptolomeo (130 D. (C) in his work on harmony, the axioms can be expressed to Yes.



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