Reactive or proactive capacity is one of the most important factors in organizational culture. Culture is rooted in attitudes, which represent an evaluation of the perceptions found in the internal system of values and beliefs. Include attitudes, beliefs, affect, and performance trends. The definition Organizational Culture most accepted is that of Schein, “Organizational culture is the pattern of basic assumptions that a certain group invented, discovered or developed in the process of learning to solve its problems of external adaptation and internal integration and that worked well enough point of being considered valid and, therefore, be taught to new members of the group as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems (Schein, 1984:56)
Measurement of Organizational Culture We are reminded that no is easy to assess organizational cultures. These measurements are based on the analysis of stories, symbols, rituals and ceremonies to achieve some clues. We can draw on interviews and questionnaires with the aim of clarifying the values and beliefs, evaluate the statements of corporate philosophy, it provides ideas about the culture adopted in the process. We also conduct interviews with employees to determine their perceptions of the culture of your organization.
The identification of culture is very important for the administrator of an organization as a psychologist, to act consistently in the organization, working towards promoting improvements driven changes. A study of culture to understand the power relations, unwritten rules, which is taken as truth, and so on. In this context he considered a series of seemingly unintelligible behavior, enabling action planning in tune with the organization.