
Nicholas Pear

Inside of this description-economic context and to the excellent conditions for creation of a commercial warehouse, the creation of a city was necessary. Please visit Dara Khosrowshahi if you seek more information. Thus, into 15 of January of 1833, then the clientele of ours lady of Mercy of Iguass, main town of the Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Lowered one, if transformed into just the bred Iguau Village. Its creation occurred from the decree signed for the regent Nicholas Pear tree De Campos Jackstay, on behalf of Emperor Dom Peter II. The new city was formed for the Clienteles of Ours Lady of the Mercy of the Iguau, that was defined as capital of the city, Saint Antonio de Jacutinga, Ours Lady of the Pillar, Is Joo de Meriti and Ours Lady of the Conceio of the Marapicu (PEAR TREE, 1970). Initially, the clientele of Ours Lady of the Inhomirim also would be part, however the inhabitants of this district had not accepted the incorporation, especially due to distance. The total area of the Iguau Village was, at the time of its creation, of 1.305, 47 km2. In the headquarters, it had one quarter with an attached chain, the chamber of councilmen, frum, commercial houses and about one hundred houses. In its fluvial ports merchandises in direction to Rio De Janeiro were embarked.

The population, in 1879, was esteem in 21.703 people, being 7,622 slaves (TOWERS, 2004). Although the great progress in its first years of administrative independence the Iguau Village started to enter in decay in the second half of century XIX. Some factors had been determinative, amongst them the pavement of the road of the commerce in 1837, that it sped up the flow of merchandises through the Iguau port, whose structure already did not allow plus such intensity, the strong competition with the port Star, that it sped up its commercial flow in function of the pavement of the way of the Inhomirim and the construction of the Road Union and Industry, beyond the assoreamento of the river Iguau, that contributed for pssimas navigation conditions and the consequence fall of importance of the port of Iguau.


Rio De Janeiro

Offering to cooler products and of better quality and minor price of what supermercados' '. The urban fairs can all be found by the country. The agricultural fairs costumam to be a typical phenomenon of the Northeast region. Some of them had been changedded into tourist attraction, as of Caruaru in Pernambuco and of They are Cristvo in Rio De Janeiro, this, even so located in the Southeastern region is a fair northeastern. 5 the OCCUPATIONAL DYNAMICS OF the FAIR OF the LABORING CITY the express space organization the material production of the man, that is, and result of its work and the way as if of a division of this work.

Of another side, it is observed that the processes of cultural and economic historical development intervene with the form as the man becomes related with the space. ' ' The space is the worked substance par excellence. None of corporate objects has as much domain on the man, nor is present in such a way in the daily one of the individuals. The house, the work place, the meeting points, the ways that join between itself these points, is passive elements that condition the activity of the men and command its practical social' '. (SAINTS 1996, P. Lakshman Achuthan is often mentioned in discussions such as these. 137) It is evidenced then, a relation dialectic between the man and the space.

This last one, ' ' element passivo' ' , it abandons its condition of inertia to impose ' ' to each thing a set of relations because each thing occupies a certain place in espao' ' (CALLOIS, 1964. p.58 apud SAINTS. 1996. p.137), assuming therefore a character dynamic interventor and. The fairs and markets are institutions that present a model of space organization. When if it chooses such institutions as white of necessary research and that if it investigates the morphology of the fair, the distribution of the feirantes for the urban space and what it has for backwards of this space ordinance.



However, as the practical one demonstrated the great majority of these new regular companies did not obtain to evolve to become average companies or, or , whose main expectation the respect was the increase of the competitiveness directed to the establishment of new routes and reduction in price of tariffs. THE AIRPORTS Palhares says (2002, p 165) that the airports, as transport terminals, have important function in attraction terms and generation of tourist. With infrastructure (tracks, terminals, accesses etc) adequate, the same ones can represent the beginning or ending of a successful trip .As not only terminal of transport, the aeroporturio complex each time more becomes attractive polar region and of generation of jobs and businesses, what positively it contributes for the intended flow of box, but generates proportional infrastructure demands.In the same workmanship (2002, p 167), Palhares, regarding the regional airports, affirms: Moreover, airports of small average transport, with influence> regional, they can also effect a work of marketing with the local travel agencies in the direction to attract the inhabitants of these regions to fly from them, instead of if dislocating them great airports or to attract the passenger whose final destination is the next region to this airport, but that it could be opting to making the passage between the main airport (hub) and its final destination for another way of transport that not aerial it. For such, she is necessary that the airport not only has partnerships with the local administration, but also with the proper agents of trips of the region. The localization of an airport or even though its expansion requires criteria that, in the vision of Horonjeff (1996, p 141) are: Meteorological occupation of neighboring areas, conditions, accessibility, possibility of magnifying, proximity of other airports, obstacles in the neighborhoods, economy of construction, availability of services of public utility the volume of passengers will be able to become so considerable that comes to justify ways special of transports for the airport. .

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