
Vasquez Lema Leadership

SUSTAINABLE organizational quality, at home, is matter of attitude positive and leadership management author: Msc. Marcelo Vasquez Lema the pursuit of quality through the achievement of customer satisfaction, the continuous improvement and efficiency of the processes is hard work whose success depends on many factors which are intertwined and complement among if. Among these factors are: creativity, trained personnel, leadership, commitment, innovation, the order and the cleaning of the workplace and especially, positive attitude toward change. If we would do an emphasis on knowing which is the main factor, knowing that they are all very important and essential, we could say that it is the positive attitude, but at the same time this must be accompanied by a managerial leadership. But know that not always a Manager is a leader within the Organization, then it is worth asking: do we need a leader or a Manager?, or what can influence with more positivity to the achievement of quality, i.e., who is paramount get?.The answer is simple, need a manager who is leading, IE requires a managerial leadership, but taking the overall concept of what this means.

To properly understand this statement (overall concept) must define at first instance the term Manager, according to the current requirements, as: a staff member with a high degree of theoretical and/or empirical knowledge about the development of a process in specific and aspects of business management, as well as, with developed human skills. Based on this definition of what must be the current Manager, should be considered that this must have the ability to influence officials under its dependence, i.e. being a leader so that the latter can give them better if in compliance with the objectives and the improvement of processes; and in turn, you must have the ability to lead, plan, organize, direct and control the activities and operations carried out by officials under its responsibility with a scientific methodology and experience practice, in such a way that increases the probability of a particularly competitive and high organizational performance. Nothing serves as a Manager with a high degree of training and practical experience, if this can not motivate the best effort and exploit the attitude positive staff to achieve a shift towards sustainable organizational quality. In conclusion, is required of managers that have the managerial leadership profile, i.e. who are leaders to motivate, and in turn, who have scientific knowledge and practical experience to guide effectively the Organization, in a manner such that is to achieve organizational (organizational quality) quality performance sustainable. From this aspect, you must start an effective, sustainable and continuous development of training programmes, of innovation, of creativity and development programmes of order and cleanliness in the jobs that they become a habit.



I read Castle The thing touched to me as soon as the back undresses and surely followed to catch on of the wall of a color cream. During a second I felt like wretch abruptly, without still verifying what he was. Perhaps a cockroach or, in the best one of the cases, a bumblebee: he was something weighs and, according to my more precarious hope, turned out to be that, an innocent butterfly. One was nervous, vivamente wild. I assumed that it was this one his character, and that nothing had to do I with its agitation. Immediately I straightened my attitude. My abrupt fright was without a doubt the cause of its disagreement. My book was relaxing to my attention again.

A French phrase. The noun was desconcido: c" est Bon boulot. I looked for in my dictionary. Curro, translated. What was curro? The Drae (twentieth edition) provided two meanings. In Galicia it is a species of enclosure for bullfighting, that thus we called here the place where to lock up the donkeys, and, by extension, other beasts; the Gallegos lock up horses to shoe in curro. I found this meaning in my context unsuitable. In the same article, he is applied to the place in which one connects to the beasts with that intention to shoe them.

In the following one, curro, to, the definition seemed to correspond with the sense that in the context of my book would have boulot. Thus, I continued the reading. Soon I reconsidered the subject and finally I remained with the Galician meaning. The butterfly had not left to me at any moment of the head, well had omitted that it. At this point already it had solved that something had come to look for room. It had entered by the window surely in light search. Fire no, but protection.


Google Trends

Many of you already know this tool from Google, called Google Trends, whereby you can access the searches most terms used in the search. Their results are visible to different areas of the world and different languages, and can be used individually, i.e., for a single term, or by comparison, using various search terms. Often this tool is used by professionals in positioning, by its more than obvious contribution to the knowledge of what matters in each place and language, and the terms used for this purpose. Of course that if Google Trends is capable of offering us the most used search terms, among the most common mistakes, that as human beings, we tend to commit to using the search engine, they also appear while typing, or due to ignorance of the search term. (imobiliaria, lirycs, youtuve, etc) However, among all those words or terms that we use, there is one that I fail to understand the path that follows if We look at the history and its increasing frequency of search. The term is gogle. Why Search gogle Google?


The Center

Many children aged preinicial and initial start has imitate their parents, as for example when parents handle a text upside down, when they are reading imitate the Act.Therefore the first step for parents is to raise awareness about the value of the habit of reading and, once achieved, try to serve as a model to their own children (daughters). (b) it is important that parents devote a portion of their time to share the moments of reading with their children. For example: that childhood is necessary to read them with the greater expressiveness and possible eloquence the child, listening to the reading of a book, to develop their imagination and creativity. We need to always keep in mind that reading, as well as a habit, is an intellectual activity cognoscitiva.c) is convenient to enable proper clearance for books in an orderly manner of any genre of reading at home. This brings a significant importance in which children will realize that each book has its own website at home. d) choose books according to the taste and the maturation of the child is another needs to take into account.

For example in preschool are advisable books coloring, to draw, etc.Subsequently, and as the pupil grows, are appropriate books containing fairy tales, Elves who awakened in them their sense of wonder and imagination in their adventures. Also the imagination mixed with humor as Fables, stories, myths, legends. Also take into account in adolescence, fantastic tales, science fiction, articles, magazines (different notebooks forming a book) and other topics have become the center of their readings always taking into account the context in which they live.Finally, and as a reflection, also expressed, as scientist in education, educational units must be equip libraries, equipped with books enough to meet the needs of all students.ENTERING?N: – All parents have always bear in mind that the basis of the learning of their children are reading. On the other hand, it is convenient for parents to control the information that can be accessed by their children, since not everything that found in the reading is intended for them. All parents should have in their small homes places of learning where they are interesting books for the reading of their children.

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