
Andreas Scheuer

Official kick-off for the Internet portal today, took place in Passau an official kick-off for the Internet portal State Secretary Dr Andreas Scheuer (Federal Ministry of transport, building and urban development) gave the official go-ahead personally. Who are we? AIR man – the climate change conference in Copenhagen has Advisor portal for climate-friendly actions unfortunately only a minimum objective and was disappointing to end. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Lakshman Achuthan by clicking through. Politicians have to agree on any binding CO2 reduction targets. What now? The policy alone can’t do it. We humans are now required to help. Details can be found by clicking Uber or emailing the administrator.

To do this, we have switched our unique Germany-wide Internet portal climate man live! We climate people”act now and help to promote the necessary change. This is done by knowledge and in particular the purchase of climate-friendly products to stimulate the innovation spiral. The Portal provides the necessary tools for this process. Our approach consists of knowledge, represent and Assessing climate-friendly products, attractive shopping advantages n these products, climate quiz games with attractive climate-friendly profits, various forums and news. A difficult issue is to bring the issue of climate protection to the people.

We want to trigger a movement, a trend with air man and support, which should be fun (instead of with raised index finger to remind you now…”) it should be fun, emissions to reduce its CO2, to seek, to acquire knowledge in our quiz, etc and save some money for cost-effective climate-friendly alternatives and products at the consumer. The Secretary of State said in his short speech, that put a lot of potential for effective climate protection in the areas of mobility, construction and housing. He welcomed the air man very initiative. Here are a variety of information and in particular all climate-friendly products and manufacturers in these areas in a unique way to find. Have a not inconsiderable proportion of private mobility and transport the CO2 emissions in Germany. To sustainably reduce these emissions, the Federal Ministry for transport, building and urban development plans to therefore further promote electric mobility. For this purpose, all leading German car manufacturer to an electric mobility Summit are invited to beginning of 2010 according to Mr Dr. Scheuer. Dr. Gunter Meisinger

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