As a famous economist expressed Peter F. Drucker "Soon will be only two types of companies: quick and the dead." And, indeed, time is speeding up. And now in our business, as in "Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll, had to run in all haste, to remain in the same place, and run almost twice as fast to get at least somewhere. It is necessary to increase the speed and scope of work, make decisions quickly … In the modern business, there are two major diseases: "chronic failure "and" progress "that leads to painful consequences: an overload at work, stress, burn professional.
The only cure for the ills of the two: personal and organizational time effective when the organization is working like clockwork. DAY PLAN: Assistant or supervisor? Properly drawn daily plan is very easy to implement. Usually it is the optimum number and magnitude of problems at day, the ability to correctly estimate the duration and accurately distribute tasks within the available time. In developing the plan for the day, use the answers to these questions. 1.
How to achieve something in this life? Each case must be performed today to contribute to achieving the ultimate goal. Each time, ask yourself: "What I'm really doing now? Whether it brings me to the goal? "2. How do you eat an elephant? Cut it into small pieces. Any large goal can be achieved by solving small problems. 3. How to kill ten birds with one stone at a time? Collect them all in one place. Make one task to work immediately to reach several purposes. 4. How not to get tired of your support? Consider your own biorhythms, work rhythmically, plan breaks, alternate activities. 5. How not to forget important tasks? Materializes information lock it in any convenient media (computer, organizer, notes, and other people, etc.) 6. How to make it so that nothing be done? Turn work into fun.