
Hummel Systemhaus GmbH

Managing Director of Hummel Systemhaus GmbH met policy last week together with the exchange of ideas between Steffen Bilger, Member of the German Bundestag and member of the Transport Committee, and Frank Hummel, and MdB Steffen Bilger discussed economics in Frickenhausen on solar power and electric vehicles Frickenhausen, May 11, 2011. central topics of conversation between the parliamentarians of Ludwigsburg and the medium-sized companies from Frickenhausen were the chances of Electromobility and the solar energy, which brings the use of renewable energy and intelligent use of power for the Stuttgart region. Energy and mobility are closely interwoven and will have even greater impact on many areas of politics and the life of every citizen. No matter whether we think the traffic or the research the answers to the questions of the future are always with energy to the economy, the environment, and to do mobility”, explains Steffen Bilger, the as a substitute member Committee on the environment itself regularly deals with these topics. Currently one of the most important tasks is to inform the public and to inform about current and future development.

In many areas there is still considerable pent-up demand.” Which could only endorse Frank Hummel, dealing for years as a medium-sized entrepreneurs with innovative electric installations, solar technology and electric mobility. His opinion too often great opportunities were missed out of politics in the past, to inform the population to create the prejudices of the world, who were promoting sustainable energy and mobility solutions in the way comprehensive. Also, the entrepreneurs who make permanent changes in the promotion of renewable energies, which almost consumers impossible criticized to calculate how and whether, for example, the purchase of a solar power system will be worth in the long term. The promotion must be done intelligently, to the desired effects to achieve. She must be designed but above all also reliable and understandable, because only citizens are also ready to invest in solar energy”, reports Frank Hummel.

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