Survey on BPM study. imatics Software GmbH imatics Software GmbH In the summer of 2008 has together with the University of applied sciences in Brandenburg a survey on usage of BPMS in German SMEs”performed. The findings were both informative for imatics Software GmbH, as well as for the participants and valuable. The study is available in the download area under available. “This year, want to learn the imatics Software GmbH together with the German medium-sized businesses and conducting a survey on the topic: BPM: help in times of crisis?” by. Lakshman Achuthan often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Times of crisis require a professional management with increased usage. Reduce costs, increase efficiency, satisfaction of customers and employees, as well as the improvement of the own organization structures: these are the daily challenges for every medium-sized companies.
In times of economic crisis the mentioned aspects are gaining a new meaning. Smooth and efficient process cycles can be important for a company today. The transparency Organizational structures and optimum process flows are critical success factors. In the policy is already spoken of an easing in the market. But in discussions with customers this relaxation is not in sight yet. Questions arise like: how much influence has the improvement of processes on your company? How much hope is placed in the resulting savings? Where to catch on with the optimization in the present economic situation? The imatics Software GmbH has set as a target, to analyze these questions with the German medium-sized businesses and to publish a study. The survey is under survey / finding. Imatics is looking forward to an active participation and exchanges of experience.