
Chinese Pflanzenheilkunde

The Moxabustion is a supply of energy with the help of Moxazigarre of Mugwort herb. Either locally, or set up on Acupuncture needles cigar brings warmth and energy blockages caused by cold or errors. Homeopathy the classical homeopathy is based on fixed and immutable laws of nature and strives for constant recovery. It works on the principle of similarity, i.e. it is prescribed that the illness or the complaints the drugs closest is and should lead to the cure. Same forces which are inherent in the substances can cause disease, as well as health.

A constitutional remedy is the medium that covers the entire physical, emotional and mental symptom picture of an individual. This requires a detailed conversation about physical and mental ailments. Homeopathy provides never isolated disease symptoms, but people with all his Complaints and properties as Ganzen.F.X. Mayrkuren that F.X. is Mayr cure to rid a detoxification and bowel cleanse of toxins and deposits and to reduce weight.

Blood and juice agreement is the main objective of this healing process. This leads to the regeneration of the whole body and cure diseases. Some contend that Uber shows great expertise in this. The colon cleansing by F.X. Mayr with their gradations of the fasting to dietary protecting and cleansing Spa, as well as the mild inference diet carried also as an outpatient under medical supervision in the ordination. The screening is screening a free health service of Austrian social insurance institutions, which can be taken once a year. The main objectives are: reduction of risk factors that are influenced by appropriate changes in lifestyle. Better healing opportunities will arise through the early detection of diseases. The emergence of chronic diseases can be prevented in time. Dietetics nutrition is the best medicine. Hang many civilization diseases directly or indirectly with errors in our diet together. Obesity, digestive problems, but also deficiencies are just a few symptoms that suggest bad nutrition habits. The balanced and healthy diet is important. Good food alone acts taken as medicine. Each food has a certain effect on the body, no matter whether the five elements principle, Ayurveda, metabolitik balance or the mild inference diet. The ultimate goal is always the healthy and balanced diet. Contact: Dr. Angelika Wudy 2340 Modling Spitalmuhlgasse 14/1 Tel. 02236/865032 published by Volker Schafer office hours Mon: 8 11 DI: 8 11. 16 18 MI: 8 11 Fri: 8 11 and after appointment treatment priorities pain therapies, neuralgia head and movement disorders, respiratory problems, gastrointestinal infections and intestinal beschwerungen, digestive disorders, menstrual and klimaterische complaints birth preparation urological disorders (Urinary tract infections) Fatigue, sleep disturbances, depressive disorders ENT diseases (Tinnitus) skin complaints cosmetic acupuncture (wrinkle) accompanied by addiction patients (anorexia, nicotine, alcohol, drugs) children (with laser) Krebsgegleitende therapy * accompanying therapy for weight loss training 1977-1983: medical studies in Vienna already while studying homeopathic training at Prof. Matthias Dorcsi (1982-1988) in Baden bei Wien me Medical Association diploma. Employment with naturopathy as F.X. Mayr cures and diet foods. Upon completion of the cycle in the Lainz hospital and children’s Hospital in the Preyerschen opening of the own ordination in Modling 1993. Since then also intense preoccupation with Eastern medicine and education in Chinese Pflanzenheilkunde-of TCM with Dr. Gustav Meng. 1998 study in Beijing in TCM clinic. In addition, training for Acupuncture Medical Association diploma with Dr. Georg Konig.

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