While you have more, more possibilities of spending you also have and that the unique thing that does is to prosper to those with those who you have contact. Therefore to have is much to be generous; in fact enriquecerte is the action more altruistic than you can do by the society. When prospering you it prosperous society with you. Of what new forms you will choose to think for permitirte to prosper? *LA WEALTH IS OF THE UNIVERSE AND NOT US PERTENCE, BUT WE HIM PERTENECEMOS* Deepak Chopra STRATEGY 2: IT DEVELOPS YOUR INTERNAL VALUE Aplicativas tools: Your internal value is the Defincin that you have of same you and of your possibilities before the life. If somebody had Definirite whereupon Words more you would like she did that it? What definition of same you Abre Opportunities to you before the life? *SOMOS What PENSAMOS* Buddha What agrees to you to think that YOU ARE for obtaining what You wish? It agrees To develop your Internal Value to you To see the Opportunities that the Life offers to you and that perhaps today you do not see because your approach is determined by how you choose definirte.
How you choose definirte now for crearte opportunities to prosper? Suggestion of Answer: I choose to see me like creative, able and efficient, possessing a person of one of the MAS SOPHISTICATED PROCESSING SYSTEMS: My brain. Fruit of thousands of years of evolution and that is service 24 hours per day 365 days to the year and free! With allied resemblance how you could fail? Now YOU only need to be allied of you same also and you obtain that thinking it the best thing of you without conditions. What self-imposed condition prevents you to think the best thing of same you at any moment? *LA LIFE ABRE ITS POSSIBILITIES TO HIM TO WHICH IT CREATES THE SUFFICIENT THING IN ITSELF LIKE FOR BEING ABLE APROVECHARLAS* *LAS OPPORTUNITIES INCREASE AS APROVECHAN* Sun Tzu The life is your friend and is full of opportunities that you do not see when your approach is centered in verte like an impotent victim, who is same that to think about the Absence than you want.