There are several types of machines: manual, semiautomatic, automatic. For a small production grid can use a hand saw. Its main dignity – is the price, but as a consequence of small capacity (a few rolls a day). This machine is good if you want to make the grid for themselves, neighbors, friends, acquaintances, and in principle try to market the grid. For great performance using machines that can produce up to several dozen rolls per shift, but also the cost of these machines is ten times more. Also, for the automaton is desirable to have high-quality wire that is currently so rare, and at the cliffs of wire takes a lot of time adjusting the machine. Middle point between these machines are semiautomatic.
They also vary. There is a mechanized machines, so-called semi-automatic. Their work is arranged so as not to manually turn the working part of the machine and engine. Disadvantages of such a machine is something that should be at eye measure the length of the string and manually measure the length of the roll (Or just about). But there is a semi-automatic with electronic control unit. This unit itself calculates the length of the string and stops the engine, the operator can only bite off the wire constantly the same place and he will get a smooth and nice roll, not worse than with the automatic machine. He also calculates the exact length of the roll to the last string (you get a roll of the desired length without fear of complaints from customers that the roll short, not 10 and 9.5 meters) The principle of semi-automatic, unlike the machines is the constant presence of the operator of the machine. The operator takes a bite out wire, turns and holds the string when it is screwed in a linen grid, if necessary, also bends the edge of the grid. The price of this machine is several times more expensive than the manual, but several times cheaper machine that allows a person to get yourself on a small production (16-18 rolls shift) and recoup their costs over several months.