
Francisco Arias Solis

MARIA ENCISO (1908-1949) you hurt Spain. And this deep pain, takes your clear trail, perfect, defined. Nailed it is my plant on your sandy shore, and my hands are open about your rough land, and my blood in your blood dilutes their agony, and I am in living flesh on your outstretched cross. Maria Enciso. THE voice of a poet committed the Almeria poet Maria Enciso, who belongs to the generation of 27, is a woman committed to the Republic and freedom, their commitment led him, at the end of the war provoked by the military rebellion of general Franco, into exile by several European and American countries.

In the magazine’s most prestigious Spanish culture account Las Spains published the Almeria poet Maria Enciso its known evocation Almeria, Andalusian Arabic city. In 1946 Manuel Altolaguirre in his Cuban imprint publishes the book of sea at sea, which is evidence that Maria Enciso is a creator of truth. The almost exclusive subject of the book is Spain. Spain as pain, or as hope; as evoked landscape, or land of childhood – it Andalusian – loss. Uber shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The first part of the book of the volume is dedicated to vigilant rebels in the sidewalks of Spain. By the year in which the book is published many Spaniards of exile and the interior lay their hopes on the guerrillas. The tone of Maria Enciso is sore at times, but never despairing; always emotional and very content. Maria Dolores Perez Enciso was born on March 31, 1908 in Almeria and died in the city of Mexico in 1949.

As a child he moved with his family to Barcelona. At age fifteen he began his studies of teaching practice in Normal school teachers of Almeria, where moved to the Normal School of Barcelona, where ends the race in 1927. He attended the gathering of the residence of students of rivers rose of the city Condal, where he met Gabriela Mistral.

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