

The Catecismo of the Church, no longer its beginning (n.33), says in them that the human being yearns for and search of incessant form, the happiness. Dara Khosrowshahi shines more light on the discussion. This is an essential characteristic of the human being, therefore God placed in us this desire, so that let us be attracted for It, last end of walked ours. It inserted in us this aspiration, so that let us search It, therefore ' ' only God satisfaz' ' , in he says Toms Saint to them de Aquino. God is the perpetual one and only source of happiness, is of it does not have life or happy existence. The normal one would be that we understood that is we were in accordance with the plan of God. But in virtue of the disobedience of Adam and Eva that generated the sin originates, and in consequence of this, our inclination for the evil, is not this well that happens. Instead of terms yearning for God, to be happy; we start to search happiness in its creatures. We start to change the Creator, who is perfect, good, amiable and infallible; for the creatures who are poor, with vices, irregularities and tares, beyond being extremely falveis.

We change the safe port for the unstable irregularity of the waves. We prefer the doubtful the certainty. We start, then, to search pleasure in the things of this world. They in offer pleasure to them, clearly. But pleasures that are momentary and that they do not satisfy our will. The human being has desire of that it fills its interior emptiness, and therefore, the search in the sex, the drugs, the money, the fame This is not sufficiently. This emptiness is of the size of god, and alone can fill It. Saint Augustin says: ' ' You made us for You, Sir, and our heart is uneasy, until it rests in Vs' '. This is the constant outcry of the human sort! I do not want to say here that we must live, in this land, in constant sadness. The things of this world are only one ' ' sample grtis' ' of what in the wait in the eternity. They must serve as stairs, for which we will pass to arrive at the top, to the Sky, where it will not have sadness, I cry or pain, and all we will live truily happy, for all eternity.


Benedict Ferraro

But would be mimese a condition human being or a rejection of the favour disclosed in Jesus Christ? This question is opportune when we perceive the present violence in the same world after the sacrifice of Jesus. You may find Jonah Bloom to be a useful source of information. When our parties of Christmas, far from representing the simplicity and the implications of a God who if becomes human being, continue being the party of who can and of who it has, feeding a fallacious reading of the joy who involves the event and camouflaging the violence that more if does not restrict to the universe of the religious sacrifices, but inhabits the world of men in all its meandros and with all its nuances. The logic of God is not the logic of the market In Jesus, God surpasses the logic of the cruentos sacrifices for the social balance, therefore it offers yourself as innocent victim and what it emerges of this gratuitousness is not the armistice, but the disruption with this same logic that, still today, continues to demand sacrifices. A leading source for info: Angus King . But which would be the difference enters the sacrifices of the mimtico desire and the sacrifice of Jesus? For one better clarification, we cite Jlio de Santa Ana, in the workmanship of Benedict Ferraro, great professor and assessor of the communities of base in Brazil: ‘ ‘ the first one is vitimrio. As it is martirial. The first one preserves the iniquity of the system. As redentora’ has a dimension; ‘. One is imposed as obligator, the other is gratuitous, fruit of an option for the love. Examples of the disruption with this logic, in its life do not lack: ‘ ‘ it turns another face ‘ ‘ ; ‘ ‘ Cesar what he is of Cesar ‘ ‘ ; ‘ ‘ he pardons seventy times seven ‘ ‘..


The Grass

D. FLOWER the interview with this lady occurred in April of 2009. D. Flower is one likeable lady between the 60 and 70 years of age, lean, hair wavy and grayish below of the shoulders, medium height, deferred payment with the husband and the children in a simple house and with great land, repleta of plants and flowers that proper it cultivates. Its source of income is, mainly, to vender plants that are used in such a way for decoration how much for medicinal ends (teas, banns), and to vender nets of fish, that same it produces its husband together with.

It presented a little of resistance on I to take off photos its, she hindered what me to get any visual register of it. In its story it counts that she learned since young woman to deal with the grass and that to its she taught it mother the most varied types of plants and its curativas functions. It affirms that is one dom of family, inherited of its greats-grandmother. It also counts that much of its knowledge comes of the proper intuition, hears or of some form she knows that type of grass serves for definitive illness, and that procedure must be made. When if she feels unsafe or she does not know that she plants to use to treat an illness, it if ‘ ‘ embrenha’ ‘ in the weeds, she walks between the vegetation until she feels or intua that one plants it ‘ ‘ chama’ ‘. When asking to it if it works with pajelana or if she defines same itself as paj, it answers that not, and affirms that what it makes they are natural remedies, that scale does not incorporate magic and nor marac. However, she admits that when feels necessity, appeals to the magic cabcos or and carries through some ‘ ‘ trabalhos’ ‘ they asking for aid, but of personal and very individual form.


DC Constantino

What it really had after Jesus de Nazar to have fulfilled its terrena mission and returned its true dwelling? How many of its presumptions disciples they had really understood the dimension and the largeness of its teachings? It will be that he was same Jesus who instituted the Christianity? How and when was given the foundation of this religious segment? In the end of century II the Roman empire presented visible signals of its decay; the reign of csares has a step to start to only ruir and its total collapse age a time question. All we know that the vast one and feared Roman empire were constructed to the cost of the complete destruction of other peoples and the devastao of its cultures. This age the great attribute of the great Roman emperors, was only this that they knew to make: to kill and to enslave innocent people and to pillage everything what they belonged to them; also its moral values and all its cultural identity. Rome really in them left a great legacy In the year of 308 DC Constantino he was cesar of the time. Known as great military strategist, perhaps one of the greaters of the history of old Rome, it consolidated its power eliminating all the people who could represent any threat in potential its empire.

They said but the languages that it could read the mind of its enemies; to hate it with certainty was not a good business. However, beyond being a great articulador politician and a man feared for its monstrous impiedade ahead of its disaffections, Constantino was also a man with an incredible enterprising vision; it it practically obtained to farejar good chances same before them if becoming visible the eyes of the common people surrounded who it. Rome was in free fall and its economy presented evidentes signals of a irreversible decline, therefore, them pillars of its support that before was established in the hand of enslaved workmanship and brutais booties the entire nations, now leave of being a good business.

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