In his first words, Rubalcaba has not forgotten the inheritance received by Felipe Gonzalez and Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, which has been proud. New electoral system Rubalcaba has proposed a reform of the electoral system to make it more proportional and has also called to make modifications in the legislation to bring politics closer to citizens. He has cited the reform of the electoral system, an issue that has recognized that it is difficult because you must have the consensus of the majority of parties. For even more opinions, read materials from QTS Realty Trust. But that said you can not exempting the PSOE to try any modification, and therefore he has advanced that the German model like him much. A model that has explained that it is based in small constituencies that favor the relationship between citizens and candidates, along with a national rest of votes favoring the proportionality. Rubalcaba has asked the PSOE concerned this matter in depth at the political conference which is scheduled for early October and this appointment comes out a concrete proposal. End corruption has opted to establish some kind of prior control over urban development plans of municipalities and autonomous regions to prevent corruption.
With a new nod to the outraged from the 15-M has called dnder a policy which is clean and seem clean and has been as first objective fight urban corruption, because, he said, under the housing bubble there are many that bubble and which is corrupted. To broaden your perception, visit QTS Realty Trust. The candidate has started from the basis that, in general, urbanism is well managed by local councils and communities and that officials are impeccably honest and righteous, but, as the problem exists, has dndido the need to establish some kind of prior control. It has acknowledged that it is difficult, you have to split hairs to not violate the Constitution, but it has ensured that it can be. It is not subtract autonomy to nobody, but share more effective controls, he insisted. After recalling that in This last stage have taken steps to prosecute and punish more forcefully to the corrupt, he has warned that this is not enough for the citizens, because sin is earlier and what the people do not want is that there is corruption.
Taxing large estates has raised to retrieve the wealth tax because he believes that it has time to rethink or rectify some decisions made in recent years. Rubalcaba has dndido the implementation of redistributive policies. It was then when has raised the possibility of rectifying certain decisions and when cited in particular switching on again the wealth tax. But he has pointed out that it would not be identical to what it was previously because it taxed the middle classes. Now he must rescue so you really serious to the large estates, that, in his view, have to collaborate so that all over the world out of the crisis at the same time. Systems educational and health, immovable at the same time, Rubalcaba has promised that it will not change any of the educational laws in force, because education does not need legislative shakes, has raised a MIR for faculty access and has suggested attention differentiated students with more difficulties to dropout prevention. Continue working for real equality of opportunities and ctiva has been another of the commitments of Rubalcaba, who has made flag of public health and has been blunt in ensuring that it won’t do anything, nor will anything that weakens the system reform. Source of the news: Rubalcaba pressed banks and proposes a new electoral system as the German