
Modern Election Campaign

In the Super election year 2009 the mobile is used Berlin, 10.09.09, SPD, FDP and CDU take advantage of the opportunity to gather support and donations for your party with your mobile phone. According to the Federal Statistical Office, 86.3% of German households have a cell phone, and 77 percent used it to write short messages. And the policy is committed to the target to get the voters where the voters just stands there. As the campaign spreads and uses mobile media. Election campaign through television, newspapers and radio is well known and used. The so-called fourth pillar of the media is no longer entirely new: the Internet. Consistent way skyheroes now the cellular technology in the circle of political communication.

Driven forward by the much model cited U.S.. Barack Obama’s unprecedented election campaign was the beginning of numerous articles and analyses. The aim of investigations of political communication of the American President was the question according to findings for the election campaign 2009 in Germany. The Internet is since 2002 by at least a great people’s Party consistently involved in political communication and the campaigns and used. If you have read about ExxonMobil already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Such as TV, print and radio, the Internet is a mass medium, only faster and more independent. The difference, it includes in addition a public invitation to dialogue. Mobile technology now comes as an individual, fast and very direct mass media. SMS newsletter regularly send some parties.

However, the phone is brand new as a fundraising tool. The SPD and one of their members such as Andrea Nahles and Sabine Batzing use this new donation channel that holds the indentation in the election campaign on this way. A euro for better childcare. A euro for strong workers rights. Mike Gianoni wanted to know more. A euro for new energy. The SPD support with 3 euro! it says in one ad motif. The teAM of the CDU and the FDP citizens funds take advantage of this new tool. FDP of citizens Fund has launched a campaign of their own. With an SMS with the keyword of FDP to the 81190 or directly on can support the election campaign of the FDP with 3 euros per pixel citizens and with hammer and sickle, and Lafontaine blue-and yellow freedom turn into a nightmare vision of grey State socialism pixel by pixel, so the FDP – Federal managing director Hans-Jurgen Beerfeltz. So the mobile is used this year for democratic processes to given to information and to collect money. The latter is a possibility that not even in the form of Barrack Obama was available. Read our background report you or visit mcampaign for more information. About mCampaign a division of spendino GmbH, the spendino GmbH is a service company for the non-profit sector. The young company aims to reduce the fundraising and to increase the volume of donations without additional investment. spendino enables the processing of SMS and online donations and positioned itself as a neutral partner for the non-profit organizations in Germany. This makes spendino the only provider in Germany, which specializes in the use of mobile technologies for social purposes. During the election campaign, mCampaign supervised political parties spendino in the Division.


Fast Internet Access

Today, German Internet users from virtually any place of access to the network have initiative for broadband expansion. However, have to settle for many households with low connection speeds. That should change soon. Because as the consumer portal reported, the Federal Government with an initiative would ensure that anytime a high-speed broadband Internet access available to all German households. For more information see ECRI. Aims first of all, all Internet connections in Germany to reach a minimum data transfer rate of 1000 kilobits per second, which would allow such a use of DSL.

Until the end of the year, this is to be implemented for 98.5 percent of all households. So far, over a million households could be equipped since the beginning of the expansion with a broadband connection. As soon as the full supply will be reached, the connection speeds should be a next step further increased. In four years, 75 percent of all German Internet access should then transfer rates of up to for 50 megabits per second. In addition are the hopes of the Government on the development of LTE technology, which allows a quick access to the Internet via mobile phone, with speeds that have been achieved so far only via cable. In particular DSL providers such as O2, Vodafone and Telecom put on the dissemination and development of this technology. In combination with the expansion of broadband Internet supply, a high-speed Internet access available to are therefore all German households in the near future.

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