Gonzalez de Molina, an expert in Agroecology, stressed that the work of the ecological farmer must be recognised and supported publicly by the Administration in terms of subsidies. It should reward organic farmers for that role that they comply to the environment, he stressed.The expert in agro-ecology and Professor of history contemporary of the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, Manuel Gonzalez de Molina, highlighted that organic farming saves between 20 and 40 per cent of primary fuel, so it is protected from fluctuations in the price of petroleum-based fuel. Gonzalez de Molina said in an interview with Reuters, to save up to 40 percent in fuel combustion, organic farming involves cut emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2 to the atmosphere and, therefore, an aid against climate change), since also this type of farming sequesters more carbon than the traditional ones. Dara Khosrowshahi often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In this sense, he pointed out that at the current time of crisis ecological agriculture model reduces the reliance on markets for inputs, adding that when the price of diesel fuel rises, the amount of inputs also, but in organic farming where the dependence is less, stability is greater. In this way, Gonzalez de Molina stressed that the work of the ecological farmer must be recognised and supported publicly by the Administration in terms of subsidies. It should reward organic farmers for that role that they comply to the environment, he stressed. In line with this explained that in practice the case is on the contrary since ecological farmers must pay certificates to prove their form of cultivation. If you have read about Karoline Copping already – you may have come to the same conclusion. In this sense, he pointed out that the farmer of this type is in a hostile world and would have to reverse the process.
MORE cheap that any PLAN RENOVE the expert in Agroecology indicated that Reconvert traditional crops in ecological cheaper is that any plan renove “of the Ministry of industry, tourism and trade responsible for changing the fleet of tractors used in the field. He explained that the central Government will take this type of action to reduce a seven per cent fuel in farmers, where organic farming saves up to 40 per cent. Agro-ecology is the study of agricultural activity from an agronomic, economic and social perspective with the goal of making proposals, design and implementation of systems that are sustainable. It is not only to sell products that do not have contaminant chemical character but is also making that agrarian systems are sustainable, he said..