Governmental capacity, Collection Tax and Social Control the public administration must be capable to promote economic and social well-being to legitimize before society, directing its action to become feasible the pacts waked up in our Federal Constitution, over all the questions that involve the improvement of conditions of life of the population, such as access public health and education of quality, pillars of overcoming of the poverty, the way of social justice. The significant social change that we only long for will be possible with governmental capacity, and this if effective with governana of quality, compromised public managers with results, as strategy to supply emergent social demands. The participativa population, that values the democracy and votes conscientious waits an ethical and responsible attitude of the public agents. The public agents have an important representative paper, while who is in the executive withholds the power of to operacionalizar the politics you publish, the legislative body possesss enters its attributions the mission to fiscalize the actions of the executive representative, over all the public accounts, to inquire the legality and smoothness of the processes that involve financial expenditures, such as licitations, purchases, among others. The collections taxes of the governments are carried through by means of taxes, taxes and contributions, and play an important pillar of sustentation politics and administrative, therefore, the more raised to the captation of financial, bigger resources they will be the possibilities of the executive to develop its action and promises of campaigns, resulting in proper reinforcement, in a similar way, the challenge to fiscalize the budgetary execution will grow with the same intensity. The economic tranquility that the Country is passing contributes positively for financial reinforcement and budgetary of the majority of the cities, however, nor always we have a body gabaritado technician that it uses to advantage the chances of this favorable situation, to use the financial resources of efficient form, taking in consideration priorities and goals and the reach of objective tracings for who thinks and formulates the politics.
Tag: government and politics
Ethos Institute
They always take me to the arguments to the same conclusion. With the EDUCATION of all the Brazilians we will only be able to advance. We need to advance in direction to the equality and the fraternity. They are ideals that many consider unattachable. They think as if it did not have evolution.
As if it was not possible to abolish the slavery in Brazil or to knock down the regimen of appartheid in the South Africa. As if it was not possible to make to function the Ethos Institute or the WWF. She is necessary to understand that the society goes if purifying with the time and the time of the world it is very superior to the time of our lives. It is our duty to fight for optimum, each one opportunely. But we can bring the reasoning for the present time. To educate the Brazilian population in the space of 30/50 years. Already it is a great thing. Among others things, go to force a reform politics that in gives conditions to them to purify the process and to control our vote.
Because, in the current system, mathematically, vote the vote, is not possible. Some reasons: 1. obligator one or not, the vote is allowed a great contingent of functional illiterates, that is, people who are not capable to exert choices. 2. in the interior, any candidate the member of the house of representatives or senator who has controlled a certain number of mayors, politics or economically, if chooses. The game of the interests and the money is much more dirty of what it seems. 3. the legislative one is who votes our laws, he is who it makes or it hinders the reforms tax, previdenciria, politics, member of labor party. Where it is our freedom? 4. Each Tiririca, Pablo Maluf or Anthony elect Garotinho bring obtain, through the legend, a great number of other elect ones that, alone, they would not have the lesser condition of if choosing. 5. In the society of the spectacle, artists and esportistas, without any experience politics, have forts possibilities of if choosing, relegating as plain the people prepared and of good that they had decided to participate of the politics. 6. The State withholds 40% of the GIP and if it transformed into a balcony business-oriented that passes for to be able them to all. The press the news daily. She is democrisia or it is not? In other words, an educated and cultured country only has conditions to exert opinion condizente with its necessities and the ethics. Exactly thus, it will not be easy. The contrary forces are numerous and powerful.
Unio Democrtica Nacional
He remained active until the eves of falecer, in Macei, 27 of November of 1983. It was married Helena Quintela Brando Vilela, with who had seven children. Description Politician In 1948, filiou it Unio Democrtica Nacional (UDN), exerting the mandate between February of the following year and January of 1959. In 1960, he was elect lieutenant governor of Alagoas, in the plate of udenista general Lus Cavalcante, for the understood period of 1961-1966. In 1966, it was candidatou senator for National the Renovadora Alliance (ENCLOSURE FOR BULLFIGHTING), left of the situacionista base, assuming the chair in February of the following year. He was reeleito in the lawsuit of November of 1974, one of few arenistas that had obtained to be elect for the Senate when until then Movimento Brazilian Democrtico (MDB) obtained to choose sixteen senators and ENCLOSURE FOR BULLFIGHTING only six, an smashing victory of the opposition leading at that time the military government to create the figure of the binico senator. In day 25 of April of 1979, it left the ENCLOSURE FOR BULLFIGHTING and it entered oposicionista Party MDB and, later, if it filiou to the Party of Movimento Brazilian Democrtico (PMDB). When receiving, in September of 1979, the heading of Paulistano Citizen granted for the City council of So Paulo, explains its devotion for the freedom: ' ' Citizen of Viosa de Alagoas, of the outskirts of the Mountain range of the Two Brothers, one of the last redoubts of the War of the Palmares, living creature contemplating the image of Zumbi, I feel the routes of the dreams and the heat to it of the blood libertrio.' ' In 1980, with the end of the bipartisanism and the sprouting of diverse parties of opposition in Brazil, Teotnio preferred filiar it Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement, the PMDB, considered the continuator of dead person MDB, becoming one of the most important names of the legend.