
Secure Sockets Layer

Internet has become a part of our lives is not something new, and which, a few years ago we saw with astonishment, today is commonplace and a palpable reality that has become customary and which has come from the prodigious hand of technology. So much so that have considerably changed our habits in many ways, and they will continue changing as Internet to propose new resources and new trends. One of these new forms or customs, already established, is for example, purchases over the Internet, but beyond that we have still some reserve in this respect, we do increasingly more often and with total normality. But as I said, we all have some reservation thereon, and that refers to that, pro dealt a virtual transaction, we do not have physical contact, or better said, visual with the seller and products or service that are buying obviously not we can touch them, that one of our hobbies, so the thing becomes somewhat difficultnot to say suspicious or doubtful. To synthesize, as we’re talking about make shopping on the internet, there are some guidelines that would be useful to know when it comes to this activity on the network, or at least have a little more than security, although already is that insurance was taken prisoner, these guidelines may provide you some more confidence and peace of mind. The best way to buy is using the credit card and if possible you should allocate only one card for online purchases. Thus, this card for purchases on the Internet, you will get the monthly summary where they are perfectly detailed purchasing processes and data of each transaction. Everytime you have to leave your details and those of your card in any form be sure than in sites with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) secure payment platforms. These sites have a protocol that emits the encrypted information and enables authentication of data and its subsequent decoding causing the transmission of messages to be 100% secure.

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