
Holger Foot

Fully summarized both books to the erstnaml. Joseph Jimenez often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The rogue feels like life to if one is different? Holger foot had to learn it, and there were no good experiences. For more information see Lakshman Achuthan. To realize that you gay is confusing – early. His gay accept”to learn to come out, to experience rejection, a LONER to be – tough times. Life was a bit friendly with the author, beating painful wounds. But his parents were getting to him.

Holger foot has learned to deal with his situation, but he knows that many young gays are not ready. His story, authentically narrated, wants to help other young people who still find their way and show them that you also, if it is different, can lead a good life after some meandering – and detours. In the book, the life of the author is told, Hales with all and depth, which has been in his life. Situations are described, which can be on the one hand it’s funny but also scary or frightening. The author has it so written as he also talks and therefore, it can be very well read.

He describes his outing, as well his relationships, and how it happened. Family a lot is said about his parents and losses which in the family to the bear came. A lot is written about his livestock which he had, because the author is very fond of animals. Gay vs. I have written this book gays, because I am tired, just because it looks somehow different, or not in the typical gay picture fits because it is perhaps a little wider than the norm, a disability, or has a disease, mocks, bullied or insulted to be. I get sent the experiences and stories of other people and processes them in the book to cast a vote once. This book was carried out with comments and stories of me and excerpts from Wikipedia. I hope that this book somewhat helps that many people try to deal with each other differently. I dedicate this book to all people, a suffering has been inflicted in different situations, whether in the real life, or somewhere else. If injustice is done to for you, defend you, but is not on the same level with your tormentor. There are enough organizations for all walks of life who provide assistance. Turn on them and take the law in their own hands. In the book, telephone numbers and Internet addresses are included, where you can find help. You get both books via the website or otherwise at all booksellers and also on the Internet. Holger foot


Good Opportunity

Small independent publishers in the Exchange Club of the Association of the German book trade Who today has written a book with much diligence and enthusiasm and then also want to accommodate his manuscript, logically first turns to the big audience publishers. But the dream and hope, his book on the shelves of booksellers to see, it fades quickly rain cancellations. Many large publishers don’t even bother, to grant them themselves, respond to demand indignantly. Others have it at least standard letters which are sent back to the authors along with their unread manuscripts at least know you then, is one. For aspiring writers, serious smaller publishers who require an acceptable pressure grant offer a glimmer of hope.

However, the author must carefully research and compare. While some publishers’ countless ads with authors looking for”switch, but require vast sums of money in the five-figure range by the authors without Manuscript ever tested to have others with a cheap Mousclick-book-on-demand system advertise that although demand is, but each Publisher-specific services such as editing, cover design, advertising, sales, either do not offers presentation on the book fairs, etc., or as “Extras” pay dearly can be, and is still much more expensive so at the end, there is but also the publishers, who eventually by the sale of the books live, and thus also for the sales do. For example, the Publisher of core in Bayreuth. Membership in the Exchange Club of Buchhandels e.V., (here interview with Evelyne core), the presence at book fairs, a serious Internet presence, targeted advertising, contract publishing of wholesalers and online retailers, as well as fair and author-friendly conditions leave the still young Publisher despite bad times grow and thrive. The Publisher core and above all founder Evelyne core have the target set itself, to discover new talents and to promote. Richard Trumka: the source for more info. Core knows from personal experience, that it makes no sense, authors with promises on the success of empty ripping off”, if you want to work seriously and assert itself in the industry. She is the author of himself and had her first book of sand in the soul “in an author published in 1997 and because she knew no different (at the time there was still no information on the net), housed with completely covered subsidies.” For advertising themselves had made and in the media spread their story successfully (because she had the necessary contacts as a journalist).

The former publisher did nothing to, not delivered often, because no stock there was. At the end he no longer even paid off the royalties. She teamed up with other authors of the publishing house. It finally came to the process of which she won, and the separation of Publisher and author led. From these experiences, Evelyne has learned much core and because anger and injustice, increase their creativity, their own publishing house founded in 2005. Her book sand in the soul”became a best seller published by core. Fair conditions and constant contact with the authors, the be informed about everything, are self-evident for you. “The Publisher has the principle of 1000 Euro subsidy per one hundred pages and 20 percent royalties back” develops and runs well. The grants may not earn the Publisher. Which should reduce only the production costs, so the Publisher alone bears the risk for new, still unknown authors and thus means no risk for the Publisher”, so core. Conclusion: Who plays by the rules, works clean and fair, which can only benefit. Maybe not immediately do the killing, but integrity and honesty pay off in the long term.


Electronic Books And Self Publishing As An Opportunity For Independent Authors

“The literature Portal takes stock after the Leipzig book fair 2011 Hamburg, 29.03.2011 2011 we are seeing nothing of the E-books the hour”, as the Chief Executive of the Booksellers Association of the German book trade Alexander ski Puppis at a press conference to present the E-book study of the Booksellers Association. The development of the E-book market and the digitization of the book industry were priority issues, which deal with the industry on this year’s book fair in Leipzig. The literature Portal sees as a result of talks in Leipzig in the development for independent young writers a good opportunity and chance to publish their books without publishers as E-book and sell. The author contacts show that there is lack of information about self publishing: successful self publishing is linked to personal initiative and commitment for authors. For triboox, the Leipzig book fair brought the certainty that digital offers for authors have an increasing importance. Just as you could at the trade fair visitors as authors “watching an increasing acceptance of these offers: Eighty percent of the visitors of our stand could imagine how triboox to realize their book project in a self publishing provider,” says triboox managing director Karl-Friedrich Pommerenke. Overall, 84 meetings were held by the triboox team in Leipzig.

“Prime example for young independent writers, that without the involvement of the traditional” Publishing House are very successful, the American writer Amanda Hocking, who already earned millions in the United States with their E-books. Success in the literature cannot be planned, Hocking writes in her blog. Nobody knows exactly how a book becomes a bestseller. A success story like that of Amanda Hocking is rare. Authors should not expect that Mrs Hocking’s success without their active involvement as repeats itself, when they publish an E-book self-publishing. The example also shows that it is possible, if the author tackles a topical issue and attracts the right audience,”says triboox – Managing Director Charles Frederick Palmer.

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