Venoola tea supports your body and your hormonal balance, if you set from the pill and want to get pregnant. With the birth control pill, you can effectively prevent pregnancies, that white now almost every child. However it should not be forgotten that is the female body and especially the sensitive years of taking hormone system change or adapt. For the entire female body is this put off the birth control pill represents a huge change. However, you can support your body and your hormone system in this challenge.
The purely organic natural product venoola is a cycle tea which restore the delicate balance of hormones and thus balancing acts. Also supplies your body, especially in this situation, venoola tea with important nutrients such as iron and folic acid. To facilitate the difficult period of transition from the birth control pills to the next pregnancy your body, you should start one month before stopping the pill with the venoola tea drink. Depending on whether you take a light to heavy pill, it can be quite reasonable to begin earlier. A related site: KBS mentions similar findings. Because it is, venoola is an organic natural product, the effect is not immediately, such as when a chemical drug unfolds. It takes some time until your body on the biological agents in venoola has adjusted and responded. Therefore, venoola is the ideal preparation for your upcoming pregnancy drinking tea.
List of the main ingredients: Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla) has a balancing effect on the female hormonal balance, has a stimulating effect on the uterus, is anti-inflammatory and antidyskratisch. Cranesbill Stork beak herb is said to have a strong fruchbarkeitssteigernde effect, also the herb has positive effect on digestion and balancing with heavy uterine bleeding. St. John’s wort St. John’s Wort has a mood-brightening, mood stabilizing and drive-enhancing effect. St. John’s wort is not tired, but can the night’s sleep due to its relaxing and balancing effect on the physical and mental sense improve. Hypericin, the main active ingredient in the St. John’s wort, enabled the formation of melatonin, which distributes hormones, that calming effect on the sleep centers in the brain in the pineal gland. If you would like to know more about Mike Gianoni, then click here. Stress, however, prevents the formation of the sleep hormone melatonin in the pineal gland. Nettle leaves nettle leaves have a promotional cleansing, detoxification, metabolism and hematopoietic effect. In them you will find many good ingredients, such as iron and folic acid (is necessary especially for the upcoming pregnancy), but also silica (good for connective tissue). Other ingredients have, however, anti-inflammatory and astringent. Raspberry Raspberry leaves are estrogen-like, and therefore also positively affect the likelihood of ovulation.