The right will be motor or latch according as let us build it all citizens who participated on him. What you teach? Surpassed the stage of diagnosis were raised two issues: 1) does there is a matter to which we can be called: tourism law or simply we are facing one of the so many activities that require a certain specific regulation.? And then 2) from which content should be from the same question from matter? For the first question some authors, (probably following the Saxon line of thought of the Travel Law) risked the first hypothesis focusing on travel agent actor as the main generator of new contract figures, thus Puig and Vitta could affirm the existence of a tourism law which no longer feels framed in traditional molds of civil or commercial law, and that is only partially receptado by the right of navigation in its two air and maritime species.; However we believe that to define the autonomy of a branch of law it is necessary to discover if the principles that inform it are axiologically originals to constitute a systematic, complete and closed, legal construction making unnecessary recourse at the beginning of another branch. As the debate, which is still open, you can see it goes beyond an academic approach, since as you opt for one or the other position it will also influence curriculum development. Learn more about this with Roubini Global Economics. The second issue also had dissimilar responses; 1) some understood that they should assume that students had or should have a solid civic education allowing to enter fully into the different meanings of the law; (2) others raised that although this was what had to be was not what was perceived in the classroom and that the proposal was therefore regain knowledge that would frame the activity. I.e. bad I can develop and expose the topic of law when the student lacks elementary notions of State, nation, etc..