
New Opportunity

Additionally you can create new tasks from this site, edit or view the information of each of the records. Creation of information from the lead at the home in the same control panel can display information from telephone calls and tasks being programmed to carry out with the leads. NetSuite provides flexibility in customizing your Board of control to suit your needs. Phone calls Task from the Home State change of the lead in the lead card can change the status of the lead if it is a lead-qualified or lead-dead. Users can create through the Customer option status list different States and the likelihood that they would be assigned. I.e. by default there is a new lead, lead qualified and lead-dead but if deemed necessary you can add a new State different from previous ones and their percentage of probability that at that stage can become customer.

Information that also handles the lead there is the option of creating leads directly from the lead card, on the general card information in the lead as the name of the company, phone number, fax number, web address of the company is entered. etc. You can create contacts and activities, within activities can be Schedule phone calls, new events such as meetings, conferences. The user can view all these activities that are scheduled on your calendar. Creating opportunities to create opportunities from the lead record, selects the card Sales and then New Opportunity.

The management of opportunities page is displayed, at the bottom on which items are selected interested the lead. When you create the opportunity changes state to Prospect Qualified with a 10% probability that the prospectus become customer. This is important because it impacts directly on report forecast. The management of opportunities will be presented in a forthcoming paper.

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