
Economic Crisis

EFE Cardinal Archbishop calls for overcoming the economic crisis without delay. He spoke these words in his homily in the Eucharist for the feast of La Almudena. The cardinal Archbishop of Madrid, Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, has urged in his homily in the Eucharist for the feast of La Almudena a just, equitable and solidarity-based solution to the distressing problem of evictions. Rouco has advocated that be overcome without delay the economic crisis hitting the whole of citizens and very severely the weakest and the immigrants. Rouco Varela has expressed his desire to be overcome as soon as possible the economic crisis that is leaving without a job to so many people; and so many families without House and home.

Citing a statement made on 3 October by the Spanish Bishops, Cardinal Archbishop recalled that workers have been willing in many cases to assume employment and wage restrictions for the sake of the survival of their companies and for the good of all. Rouco has said that it is an attitude of civility and solidarity worthy of recognition and added that, at the time, the authorities must ensure that the costs of the crisis do not fall on the weakest, with special attention to immigrants. The cardinal has appealed so that administrations reasserted the necessary measures so that (these people) receive appropriate social supports. The Cathedral of the Almudena in Madrid welcomes this noon Eucharist in honor of the patron saint of Madrid, concelebrated by several bishops and attended by the Mayor, Ana Botella, who will renew the village vote, and the President of the community of Madrid, Ignacio Gonzalez, among other authorities. Precisely, between 25 and 30 people, activists and victims of evictions, are locked in that same Cathedral last month of June for two hours and a half in a protest action to demand a solution to this problem. The head of the Church finally authorized the entry to the national police so that appropriate to his eviction, although the Archdiocese of Madrid not filed complaint against them. See more: Rouco Varela calls for a “just, equitable and solidarity” solution to the problem of evictions.

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